gold star selection

The EU-Citizen.Science consortium has curated a selection of Gold Star citizen science resources to help you get started with designing and launching your own citizen science project or simply learn about citizen science, categorised across the project lifecycle.


image for Guidelines on Behaviour & Policy Change
English Project management

The Guidelines on Behaviour & Policy Change aim to guide those interested in identifying, understanding, and enhancing policy and behavioural changes resulting from citizen science initiatives. They thus target those …

image for Vigie Nature Ecole. Participant's kit
English Instructions

This document provides all the keys you need for you and your classes to join in our citizen science programme. Thanks to rigorous protocols adapted for school children ages 3 …

image for X-Polli:Nation IT
Italian Best practices

X-Polli:Nation is a Citizen Science project on pollinating insects, developed by OPAL (led by Imperial College, London), in collaboration with several UK partners and the Maremma Natural History Museum in Italy.  …

image for Citizen science and global biodiversity
English Introduction to CS

"This free course, Citizen science and global biodiversity, deals with the importance of biodiversity and explores how anyone can contribute to and be involved in identifying and recording wildlife, as …

image for SPOTTERON Citizen Science Platform
English Impact

SPOTTERON is a fully customizable and reliable solution for your Citizen Science and volunteer monitoring projects. It can be fully adapted to your project's needs and is constantly updated and …

image for Characteristics of Citizen Science – ECSA & EU-Citizen.Science Webinar #1
English Introduction to CS

ECSA and EU-Citizen.Science co-hosted a webinar about the recently (2020) published ‘Characteristics of citizen science’. This document is the output of a community-based effort to outline what can be characterized …

image for The ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science
English Best practices

This document attempts to represent a wide range of opinions in an inclusive way, to allow for different types of projects and programmes, where context-specific criteria can be set.The characteristics …

image for ECSA 10 Principles of Citizen Science
English Best practices

Citizen science is a flexible concept which can be adapted and applied within diverse situations and disciplines. The statements below were developed by the ‘Sharing best practice and building capacity’ …

image for Citizen Science Toolkit for biodiversity scientists
English Introduction to CS

The Citizen Science Toolkit is aimed at researchers and scientists working in the fields of biodiversity or environmental sciences who are involved or have an interest in involving citizens in …

image for X-Polli:Nation EN
English Research design and methods

X-Polli:Nation is a Citizen Science project on pollinating insects, developed by OPAL (led by Imperial College, London), in collaboration with several UK partners and the Maremma Natural History Museum in Italy. …

image for Writing citizen science project descriptions that spark interest and attract volunteers
English Project management

Project descriptions, often found on citizen science platforms, are the gateway for citizen scientists to engage with projects. They provide the first glimpse into what a selected project is about, …

image for Datacharter voor Citizen Science
Dutch Data quality and standards

Met het Datacharter voor Citizen Science biedt Scivil, het Vlaamse kenniscentrum citizen science (CS), een leidraad aan om bij een citizen-scienceproject tot goed gedocumenteerde data te komen. 
Het charter is …

image for Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
English Introduction to CS

Peer-reviewed article published in Nature Sustainability on the potential of citizen science to contribute data for monitoring progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The paper grew out of …

image for Citizen science voor lokale besturen
Dutch Project management

Dit draaiboek bevat tips en richtlijnen voor lokale besturen om met citizen science aan de slag te gaan. 

Dit draaiboek is een initiatief van Vlaams minister Bart Somers en het Agentschap …

image for Citizen Science and Scientific Crowdsourcing: an Introduction
English Co-creation

Formal university course on a variety of different citizen science topics from theory to practice of citizen science: requires registration.

image for Citizen science for local government
English Project management

Recent technological and societal advancements are allowing an increasing number of citizens to participate  in citizen science. At the same time, government institutions are adopting data-driven decision-making practices, are exploring …

image for Guide to Data Charter for Citizen Science
English Data quality and standards

With the Data Charter for Citizen Science, Scivil, the Flemish knowledge centre for citizen science (CS), provides a guide to achieving well-documented data in a citizen-science project.
The charter is …

image for Practicing Citizen Science in Zurich – Handbook
English Communication

This handbook is a practical guide on how to successfully design and run co-created Citizen Science projects, with some specific tips for practitioners in Zurich. The handbook is organized in …

image for Citizen Science Terminology Matters: Exploring Key Terms
English Introduction to CS

Much can be at stake depending on the choice of words used to describe citizen science, because terminology impacts how knowledge is developed. Citizen science is a quickly evolving field …


image for Enhancing youth learning through Community and Citizen Science: a guide for practitioners
English Best practices

This guide was designed to support practitioners running Community and Citizen Science programmes and similar informal science learning activities. It shares the findings and recommendations of the international LEARN CitSci …

image for Citizen Science Network Austria Arbeitsgruppe für Offene Biodiversitätsdatenbanken in Citizen Science Projekten: Fragenkatalog für Projektleiter*innen
German Best practices

Im Rahmen des Citizen Science Network Austria ( wurde im Februar 2018 die Arbeitsgruppe Offene Biodiversitätsdatenbanken in Citizen Science-Projekten ins Leben gerufen. Die Ziele dieser AG sind (I) die Formulierung …

image for Quality Criteria for Citizen Science Projects on Österreich forscht | Version 1.1
English Research design and methods

The platform Österreich forscht ( was founded in 2014 with the objectives of (1) connecting citizen science actors in Austria, (2) providing the broadest possible overview of citizen science projects …

image for Guide to Running a Bioblitz 2.0
English Research design and methods

This guide has been designed to support the running of BioBlitzes and similar wildlife events in the UK. It is aimed at those running a large-scale event but a BioBlitz …

image for Handbook for Citizen Science Quality Assurance and Documentation
English Best practices

This Handbook for Citizen Science Quality Assurance and Documentation is for organizations that are starting or growing a citizen science project, and where transparency in the scientific methods for collecting …

image for Guide to Citizen Science - developing, implementing and evaluating citizen science to study biodiversity and the environment in the UK
English Research design and methods

Over the past decade, there has been a rapid increase in the diversity and scale of citizen science. This guide aims to support people already involved in citizen science, and …

image for Citizen Science Projects: How to Make a Difference
English Best practices

"Would you like to understand the environment and help create change? A citizen science project or observatory is the ideal way to explore environmental issues, take action and become a …

image for 'Sensing the Risk' book launch
English CS stories

On March 15, the ‘Sensing the Risk’ book by Anna Berti Suman was launched, providing an accessible ‘toolbox’ for interested citizen science communities and policy-makers wishing to integrate citizen-sensed data …

image for Leitfaden für rechtliche Fragestellungen in Citizen-Science-Projekten
German Best practices

Manual on legal questions in Citizen Science projects

In a participatory process in 2020 a guide for legal issues concerning insurance coverage, data protection and copyright was created at Museum …

image for European Clean Air Day - citizen science for clean air
English Research design and methods

According to health research and the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution in urban areas leads to 3 million premature deaths annually. This policy brief presents a framework for organizing a …

image for The SISCODE Co-Design Canvas
English Research design and methods

Connect people and ideas, harness the power of collective knowledge and act together! 

Congratulations! You have decided to join forces to tackle a social challenge; that is great! This Co-Design …

image for Guidelines on Competencies for Digital Inclusion
English Project management

The CitiMeasure Guidelines on Competencies for Digital Inclusion aim to advance the understanding of the issue of 'competencies' for inclusion in increasingly digitised citizen science initiatives. One of the main …

image for Guide of science communication in citizen science projects and citizen science journalism
English Co-creation

NEWSERA is a european funded project. NEWSERA's main goal was to analyse and evaluate the complexities of science communication in citizen science (CS). The project was devised around the citizen science …


image for Citizen Science and Data Integration for Understanding Marine Litter
English Data quality and standards

"Protecting the ocean is essential for the sustainability of the planet. Oceans provide food and livelihood for human populations, host vast biodiversity and ecosystems and provide climate regulatory services. However, …

image for Natural History Museum Guide to Citizen Science
English Best practices

Guide to help design and implement a citizen science project relating to biodiversity or the environment

image for Green Paper Citizen Science  Strategy 2020 for Germany
English Impact

This Green Paper Citizen Science Strategy 2020 for Germany presents the under-standing, the requirements and the potential of Citizen Science in Germany. It re-fl ects on the multiple benefi ts …

image for Verso una strategia nazionale condivisa: Linee guida per lo sviluppo della Citizen Science in Italia
Italian Research design and methods

Citizen science is the active engagement of citizens in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data for scientific purposes. Due to its multisectorial nature, it can play a role at …

image for Flora Incognita App
English Project management


What's in bloom? With the Flora Incognita app, this question is quickly answered. Take a picture of a plant, find out its …

image for Data Quality Resource Compendium by the CSA Data and Metadata Working Group
English Data quality and standards

The QA/QC Project team of the CSA Metadata Working Group has compiled a compendium of guidance documents, manuals, and workbooks produced for citizen science. The resulting spreadsheet is a treasure-trove …

image for Towards a Shared National Strategy: Guidelines for the Development of Citizen Science in Italy
English Research design and methods

Citizen science is the active engagement of citizens in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data for scientific purposes. Due to its multisectorial nature, it can play a role at …

image for MOOC "Have you seen an alien?"
English Data quality and standards

The European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN) Citizen Science activities aim at bringing together people, scientists and policy makers in an effort to monitor and control invasive alien species (IAS) …

image for Report of Observatory of citizen science in Spain 2016
Spanish Communication

This document presents a report on activities to promote and analyse citizen science in Spain during 2016, with the aim of increasing knowledge and vision of citizen science, based on …

Impact & Evaluation

image for Wie wirkt eigentlich Citizen Science? Ein Blick in die Forschungsliteratur
German Impact

What effect does participation in citizen science projects have on citizen scientists? Do they learn something about the topic of the citizen science project or about scientific working methods? Does …

image for Report on the conceptual, innovative, evaluation and ethical framework for youth citizen social science
English Regulations and ethics

The report on the conceptual, innovative, evaluation and ethical framework for youth citizen social science (CSS) describes the conceptual framework for youth involved in CSS in the YouCount project. Moreover, …

image for EU-Citizen.Science Workroom: Citizen science clinic - 2nd session- Impact assessment Frameworks
English Introduction to CS

Created by Ecsite, the network of science engagement organisations (, Workrooms provide science engagement professionals with a short series of online talks, group discussions and workshops, and even …

image for EU-Citizen.Science Workroom: Citizen science clinic - 3rd session - Financial Sustainability
English Introduction to CS

Created by Ecsite, the network of science engagement organisations (, Workrooms provide science engagement professionals with a short series of online talks, group discussions and workshops, and even …

image for EU-Citizen.Science Workroom: Citizen science clinic - 1st session - Inspiring stories
English Introduction to CS

Created by Ecsite, the network of science engagement organisations (, Workrooms provide science engagement professionals with a short series of online talks, group discussions and workshops, and even …

image for ECSA Conference 2020
English Best practices

In September 2020, the third ECSA Conference Encounters in Citizen Science was held virtually from Trieste (Italy), making it the first online ECSA conference. While this presented some challenges in …

image for Citizen science for environmental policy. Development of an EU-wide inventory and analysis of selected practices - Study
English Best practices

In January 2018 the European Commission launched a study to examine the influence of citizen science on environmental policies and sustainable development. The study was carried out by the French …

image for How Does Citizen Science “Do” Governance? Reflections from the DITOs Project
English Reflections on science

Citizen science (CS) is increasingly becoming a focal point for public policy to provide data for decision-making and to widen access to science. Yet beyond these two understandings, CS engages …

image for Citizen Science SDG Conference
English Impact

In October 2020, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) with many partners, supported by the European Commission and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), held an international, hybrid conference …

image for A Framework for Articulating and Measuring Individual Learning Outcomes from Participation in Citizen Science
English Evaluation of citizen science

Since first being introduced in the mid 1990s, the term “citizen science”—the intentional engagement of the public in scientific research—has seen phenomenal growth as measured by the number of projects …

image for Understanding the citizen science landscape for environmental policy: an assessment and recommendations
English Best practices

Citizen science is increasingly upheld with the potential to underpin all aspects of the environmental policy process. However, to date, contributions of citizen science to environmental decision-making remain sparse and …

image for Geographic Citizen Science Design: no one left behind
English Best practices

Little did Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and other ‘gentlemen scientists’ know, when they were making their scientific discoveries, that some centuries later they would inspire a new field of scientific …

image for Citizen-Based Air Quality Monitoring: The Impact on Individual Citizen Scientists and How to Leverage the Benefits to Affect Whole Regions
English Impact

Air pollution is a serious problem that is causing increasing concern among European citizens. It is responsible for more than 400,000 premature deaths in Europe each year and considerably damages …

image for Citizen Science Evaluation Framework
English Evaluation of citizen science

In today’s knowledge-based society we are experiencing a rise in citizen science activities. Citizen science goals include enhancing scientific knowledge generation, contributing to societally relevant questions, fostering scientific literacy in …

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