SPOTTERON Citizen Science Platform

Created Oct. 26, 2021, 12:21 a.m.
Updated June 12, 2023, 9:34 p.m.

SPOTTERON is a fully customizable and reliable solution for your Citizen Science and volunteer monitoring projects. It can be fully adapted to your project's needs and is constantly updated and maintained. All projects powered by SPOTTERON feature their own custom-tailored Smartphone Apps for iOS and Android and an interactive embeddable map application for your project homepage. Furthermore, a Data Administration Interface for data management, community moderation, project-to-user communication, and data export is part of every project running on the SPOTTERON platform. Data can be automatically exchanged via API, and many more custom tools are available for Citizen Science Projects.

Learn more on the SPOTTERON Platform Website:, and get in contact about your project!

Latest Developments:

➜ New core features for Citizen Science Apps on the SPOTTERON Platform now include Spatial Data Recoding, available for all projects:

➜ A Milestone! Version 3.0 of SPOTTERON is out and in use by Citizen Science projects across Europe, bringing many new innovative features for Citizen Science Apps:

➜ Data Visualizations for Citizen Science Apps:

Publish information

Authors: Philipp Hummer; SPOTTERON;
Publisher:SPOTTERON Citizen Science

Links with projects and/or organisations

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