IPM Popillia
from 21/02/2022
IPM-Popillia aims to address the challenge of a new risk to plant health in Europe, the invasion of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. This pest was introduced accidentally to mainland Europe in 2014 (EPPO 2014) and can quickly spread in the course of trade and the movement of goods and people. P. japonica threatens the entire agricultural sector, urban landscapes, and biodiversity in invaded areas.
Prevention of the species' invasion faces two constraints: The possibilities to restrict the movement of goods and people are limited, and successful eradication of the population established south of the Italian-Suisse border is impossible. With the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Citizen Science App by SPOTTERON App Platform, the public can contribute sightings of the Japanese Beetle and participate in location monitoring. The App allows recording beetle sightings selection of damaged crops, fruits, vegetables, and other plant species. With your Citizen Science observations for agricultural fields or in your garden and private horticulture, you help the team of IPM Popillia to combat the invasive species and ensure food safety in agriculture in Europe, the US, and beyond.
Recently, EFSA and the JCR of the European commission have nominated P. japonica as a candidate high priority pest in the new EU Plant health Law. Against this background, it is paramount to develop measures that help to confine the spread of the new pest and prevent the build-up of high population densities that cause economic loss to agricultural crops and increase the migration pressure of the Japanese beetles.
The project IPM-Popillia develops these measures. It involves teams working in the core of the recent outbreak area, conducting fit-for-purpose practical research in a European environment that can be applied immediately as short-term containment measures. In the longer term, IPM-Popillia provides tools and advice on managing the pest on a larger European continental scale and how to be better prepared for similar pest invasions in the future.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 861852
Better understand and prevent the spread of the invasive Japanese Beetle Popillia japonica by research, development of countermeasures and the help of Citizens via the IPM Popillia Citizen Science App
Provide a framework for future collaborations with external partners in the Citizen Science App in the project for monitoring and reporting of agricultural pests/invasive species
Provide e-learning resources and information about food safety, invasive species like Popillia japonica and ecological countermeasures/integrated pest management
About branding
Profile image design by: Background-Image: Agroscope, App/Logo: SPOTTERON
Logo design by: SPOTTERON Citizen Science App Platform
Created March 4, 2022, 2:26 a.m.
Updated June 12, 2023, 9:32 p.m.