Guide of science communication in citizen science projects and citizen science journalism

Created July 31, 2023, 2:41 p.m.
Updated Dec. 18, 2023, 3:15 p.m.

NEWSERA is a european funded project. NEWSERA's main goal was to analyse and evaluate the complexities of science communication in citizen science (CS). The project was devised around the citizen science communication (#CitSciComm) Labs, a collaborative and participatory space where 39 enrolled CS projects, the NEWSERA Pilots, came together with invited stakeholders from the quadruple helix (4H) model (citizens and society at large, academic scientists, policymakers and industry and SMEs), and science and data journalists as well as other science communication professionals. 

CitSciComm Labs offered the opportunity to cover capacity building and training gaps detected, such as those related to cross-cutting and emerging issues that affect science communication in and from CS projects, but also scientific projects in general: participatory and co-design methodologies, impact assessment, ethics and the spread of misinformation, communicating in social media, and, finally, visual storytelling and digital narratives techniques such as the ones covered by data journalism. 

From this experience we have gathered our learnings in multiple documents that we hope can inspire the broader CS and science communication communities. These include five blueprints with and for each of the quadruple helix stakeholders and science and data journalists, policy briefs and finally this guide of science communication in CS projects and citizen science journalism. 

Publish information

Authors: Maite Pelacho; Rosa Arias Álvarez; Elisabetta Tola; Joana Magalhaes; Cristina Luis; Ines Navalhas; Leire Leguina; Ana elorza; Izaskun Lacunza; Karinna Matozinhos;
Year of publication: 2023
License: CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7752525

Links with projects and/or organisations

Ibercivis Foundation
Science For Change
Private sector
Dec. 29, 2021, 8:31 a.m.
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