Upcoming events

Sep 16, 2024 14:00 Europe/Rome

Life in a Changing Climate - How citizen science helps us understand environmental changes and risks

Sep 17, 2024 14:00 Europe/Rome

Changing Habits in a Changing Climate - Discussing theories of change and understanding the role of citizen science in breaking societal patterns

Sep 19, 2024 15:00 Europe/Rome

Citizen science and public libraries: networking session

ECS Academy, SciStarter and Public Libraries 2030 are organising an online networking session for public library staff to share their experiences, challenges, and exchange with members of the citizen science community. Join us to kickstart the building of a stronger, more connected European citizen science library community. 🗓️ September 19 ⏰15:00 (CEST) 🔗Register: https://forms.gle/1G5hBfyt7StC11vH9

European Citizen Science European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
Sep 28, 2024 09:30 Europe/Paris

Ibis, Rue Froment, Quartier …

Journée de Sensibilisation à la Science Ouverte de Circle U.

Nov 12, 2024

Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad, Brussel Hoofdstad, …

OpenLab Conference

From November 12 to 15, OpenLab.brussels* is organizing a CONFERENCE that aims to bring together contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in participatory research projects. We welcome people willing to contribute by presenting a paper, sharing experiences and ideas through a clear presentation (with or without a paper), discussion tables, or on-site visits. Selected contributions will be reviewed and published …

Dec 02, 2024
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Bridging Sustainability and Accessibility in the Green Transition: Future Transformations in the Digital World

Now in its third edition, the Green Digital Accessibility conference focuses on the urgent challenge of building a sustainable and inclusive digital future for all, exploring innovative research and real-world practices across technology, communication, environmental science, and education. This conference serves as an important meeting point for researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, educators, activists, and anyone interested in accessibility and sustainability …

ACCTING European Science Foundation
Dec 02, 2024

ACCTING Panel Towards a fair and inclusive Green Deal: Insights from European research

The European Green Deal sets out ambitious goals to achieve a fair and green transition without leaving anyone behind. However, emerging research indicates that existing policies and practices largely fail to incorporate gender and other complex inequalities. Hosting presentations focused on the policy areas of disaster management, mobility, and food security, the panel’s presenters illustrate – through comparative case studies …

ACCTING European Science Foundation

Past events

Apr 07, 2021 19:30 Europe/Brussels

Citizen-Science-Pub Quiz

Österreich forscht and the NestCams project of the Konrad Lorenz Research Center invite you to the Citizen Science Online Pub Quiz. We are once again guessing with lots of science and fun, and also according to the strictest corona rules, namely purely online! After the great success of the first online edition of our popular pub quiz, we are very …

Mar 30, 2021 14:00 Europe/Brussels

Lessons and insights from WeObserve

WeObserve tackles three key challenges that citizens observatories face: (1) awareness, (2) acceptability and (3) sustainability. Its overall mission is to create a sustainable ecosystem of citizen observatories that can systematically address these identified challenges and help move citizen science into the mainstream. As the project draws to its conclusion, team members will highlight what the project has learnt through …

Mar 26, 2021 12:00 Europe/Brussels

Exklusiv - Inklusiv!

Die aktuell 160 Projekte auf der Plattform buergerschaffenwissen repräsentieren eine enorme Vielfalt an Themen, Forschungsfragen, Herangehensweisen. Doch wie vielfältig sind die Menschen in den Projekten, deren unterschiedliche Perspektiven, individuelle Hintergründe und Erfahrungswelten? Sind wir offen und divers? Oder weisen wir versehentlich einzelnen Personen oder sogar ganzen Gruppen nur bestimmte Rollen zu? Oder grenzen wir sogar aus? In der Digitalen Mittagspause …

Mar 23, 2021 13:00 Europe/Brussels

Policy options for the ethical governance of disruptive technologies

In view of the upcoming legislative proposal on ΑΙ and its ethical aspects, the event will seek to identify which issues and challenges of AI are in need of particular attention. It will also discuss ways to address those challenges and build on what was learned through the AI debate to better prepare for the next wave of scientific and …

Mar 17, 2021 16:45 Europe/Brussels

Open cultural data in citizen science

This roundtable discusses the concept of citizen science as a participatory research methodology in cultural heritage and reviews good practices in creating and communicating open cultural data in citizen science initiatives. Speakers: Mariana Ziku, Fred Truyen, Susanna Anäs, Katerina Zourou, Sofie Taes

Mar 11, 2021 17:00 Europe/Brussels


Presentación de resultados de la campaña 2020 e introducción de la próxima camapaña de muestreos del proyecto de ciencia ciudadana para el monitoreo de los ríos de Aragón, #RiosCiudadanos

Mar 10, 2021 14:00 Europe/Brussels

Citizen Science in der Verhaltensbiologie: das Projekt NestCams als Fallbeispiel

Wir freuen uns den ersten Vortrag unserer Vortragsreihe zu Citizen Science im Sommersemester 2021 präsentieren zu dürfen. Wenn Sie Interesse an diesem Vortrag haben, würden wir Sie bitten sich auf der dazugehörigen Eventbrite Seite anzumelden (https://www.eventbrite.at/e/citizen-science-seminar-tickets-117528511943). Einen Tag vor dem Vortrag werden wir an alle registrierten Personen einen Link zum Zoom Raum senden. Referent: Dr. Didone Frigerio (Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, …

Mar 02, 2021 11:00 Europe/Brussels

Monitoring groundwater in Limpopo Province through citizen science

On 2 March 2021 (11:00-12:00 CET), Jaqui Goldin, from the Centre for UNESCO Groundwater, will present the latest findings from a groundwater-monitoring citizen science project based in the Hout Catchment, Limpopo Province – one of the poorest provinces in South Africa. In this project, citizen scientists capture data on groundwater levels and rainfall, putting it onto a smartphone from where …

Mar 02, 2021 16:00 Europe/Brussels

PANELFIT Online Webinar: Data protection in journalism: practical tools

The European legal framework on personal data protection is constantly evolving and the issue of citizens’ privacy is increasingly central to the public debate. It is crucial for journalists to move confidently in this area, to ensure that people’s fundamental rights are respected while fully fulfilling their reporting role. During this webinar, the Practical Handbook for Journalists on Data Protection …

Feb 26, 2021 15:00 Europe/Brussels

Discovering the unexplored deep marine environment

Deep underwater neutrino telescopes as KM3NeT measure neutrino and environmental events that constitute “noise” for the neutrino searches. These environmental events range from biological bioluminescence to acoustic signals from sea mammals. Citizens can support KM3NeTs scientists to increase the efficiency in the neutrino detection algorithms, providing input that will be crucial for two scientific tasks: the classification of noise types, …

Feb 24, 2021 15:00 Europe/Brussels

Introducing Cos4Cloud

On 24 February 2021 (15:00-16:30 CET), Cos4Cloud will be running an ECSA/EU-Citizen.Science webinar to share the project’s progress so far. This is a chance for the citizen science community, and anyone else with an interest in this project, to find out more and put their questions to the project team. Attendance is free, and the event will be held in …

Feb 24, 2021 15:00 Europe/Brussels

¿Por qué promover la participación de los pacientes y de la ciudadanía en proyectos de mejora clínica y de investigación en salud?

Colombe Warin de la Unión Europea va a hablar de la ciencia ciudadana en 'Horizon Europe' y la salud por invitación del proyecto 'Inspires Science': https://inspiresproject.com/. Unirse a Zoom: ID 874 1332 7498

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