Upcoming events

Sep 16, 2024 14:00 Europe/Rome

Life in a Changing Climate - How citizen science helps us understand environmental changes and risks

Sep 17, 2024 14:00 Europe/Rome

Changing Habits in a Changing Climate - Discussing theories of change and understanding the role of citizen science in breaking societal patterns

Sep 19, 2024 15:00 Europe/Rome

Citizen science and public libraries: networking session

ECS Academy, SciStarter and Public Libraries 2030 are organising an online networking session for public library staff to share their experiences, challenges, and exchange with members of the citizen science community. Join us to kickstart the building of a stronger, more connected European citizen science library community. 🗓️ September 19 ⏰15:00 (CEST) 🔗Register: https://forms.gle/1G5hBfyt7StC11vH9

European Citizen Science European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
Sep 28, 2024 09:30 Europe/Paris

Ibis, Rue Froment, Quartier …

Journée de Sensibilisation à la Science Ouverte de Circle U.

Nov 12, 2024

Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad, Brussel Hoofdstad, …

OpenLab Conference

From November 12 to 15, OpenLab.brussels* is organizing a CONFERENCE that aims to bring together contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in participatory research projects. We welcome people willing to contribute by presenting a paper, sharing experiences and ideas through a clear presentation (with or without a paper), discussion tables, or on-site visits. Selected contributions will be reviewed and published …

Dec 02, 2024
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Bridging Sustainability and Accessibility in the Green Transition: Future Transformations in the Digital World

Now in its third edition, the Green Digital Accessibility conference focuses on the urgent challenge of building a sustainable and inclusive digital future for all, exploring innovative research and real-world practices across technology, communication, environmental science, and education. This conference serves as an important meeting point for researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, educators, activists, and anyone interested in accessibility and sustainability …

ACCTING European Science Foundation
Dec 02, 2024

ACCTING Panel Towards a fair and inclusive Green Deal: Insights from European research

The European Green Deal sets out ambitious goals to achieve a fair and green transition without leaving anyone behind. However, emerging research indicates that existing policies and practices largely fail to incorporate gender and other complex inequalities. Hosting presentations focused on the policy areas of disaster management, mobility, and food security, the panel’s presenters illustrate – through comparative case studies …

ACCTING European Science Foundation

Past events

Sep 20, 2021 15:30 Europe/Brussels

Open Science Fair 2021

OS Fair 2021 aims to bring together and empower open science communities and services; to identify common practices related to open science; to see what are the best synergies to deliver and operate services that work for many; and to bring experiences from all around the world and learn from each other. OSFair2021 is organised as an emblematic initiative of …

Sep 20, 2021

Oxford|Berlin Summer School on Open Research 2021

Open research practices have the potential to revolutionise the way research methods and results are communicated, and to facilitate research collaborations and sharing of research outputs in an unprecedented manner. However, adopting these practices requires knowledge and skills that are not normally taught in undergraduate or graduate degrees. To close this gap, we offer a four-day summer school to guide …

Sep 16, 2021 12:00 Europe/Brussels

Engaging the society beyond data collection

The challenges of ocean monitoring require data from everywhere at all times, we need to involve society in all steps of the process to achieve the information necessary to implement evidence-based policies in coastal and ocean management. This workshop is a Satellite Activity of the Event “A Predicted Ocean”, an Ocean Decade Laboratory organized in the framework of the United …

Sep 13, 2021

The 2021 International Transdisciplinarity Conference | Creating Spaces and Cultivating Mindsets for Learning and Experimentation

The Conference aims to serve as a platform for engagement, discussion, and action that links transdisciplinary research, (un)learning, and practice. Real-world labs, living labs, social innovations, Global South & Global North encounters, and transition experiments, serve as inspirations for design and implementation of this event.

Sep 13, 2021

Citizen Social Science School: Social Dimensions in Citizen Science

This virtual experience will take place online from 13-23 September. The main goal of this event is to offer academic researchers a common space and a shared time to reflect, discuss, learn, and receive practical guidelines to explore social dimensions behind a wide set of Citizen Science practices related to social issues and when involving groups and persons in a …

Aug 31, 2021 15:30 Europe/Brussels

Webinar: Blueprint for reducing plastic pollution in rivers through citizen science

Rivers are critical to all life on the planet. They are a source of drinking water and a vital ecosystem for many species. Clean rivers are key. In most recent years, it becomes clear that our rivers are polluted with plastics. Scientific evidence shows that these polluted rivers also contribute to the worldwide plastic pollution of our oceans. In this …

Aug 25, 2021 21:00 Europe/Brussels

Introduction to Citizen Science in Libraries Webinar

The Introduction to Citizen Science in Libraries Webinar will provide a general introduction to citizen science and explore how libraries can become partners in citizen science engagement. Learn how to access SciStarter’s library resources, build kits, and connect existing programs and communities to projects on SciStarter. This webinar is part of the Professional Development for Libraries Series hosted by the …

Aug 01, 2021

Open17 Challenge: Citizen Science for Climate and Gender

Join the 2021 #Open17 Challenge to pitch a project on how to address challenges around the world related to the climate and gender equality, using crowdsourcing and citizen science. You may be selected for online coaching, challenge-based innovation workshops, and even an invitation to pitch your idea to UN experts in Geneva. For details of the challenges that have been …

Jul 29, 2021 12:00 Europe/Brussels

Ciencia ciudadana y cambio climático

El próximo jueves 29 de julio se presentará a través de un evento online gratuito la guía Red 4C sobre ciencia ciudadana y cambio climático tras un año de trabajo de más de 30 entidades. La cita se concibe como una oportunidad para dar a conocer la investigación y las propuestas concretas para promover el compromiso de la sociedad con …

Jul 25, 2021 07:00 Europe/Brussels
Anywhere on the planet

NASA GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program invites citizen scientists from around the world to participate in the Mosquito Habitat Photo Challenge. This challenge combines Mosquito Habitat Mapper and Land Cover (two GLOBE Observer app tools) to document mosquito breeding habitats with photos. GLOBE would like you to take photos of mosquito habitats, in either natural …

Jul 17, 2021 06:00 Europe/Brussels
Anywhere on the planet

National Moth Week

National Moth Week celebrates the beauty, diversity and ecological importance of moths around the world. People of all ages and abilities are invited to learn about, observe and document moths in their backyards, parks and other habitats.

Jul 15, 2021 13:00 Europe/Brussels

Learn About Project Noah's Online Community & Moths of the World Mission

Join Michael Sarill of Project Noah for a virtual program about the popular online global community of nature enthusiasts and its collaboration with National Moth Week. Michael will lead aspiring citizen scientists through Project Noah’s Moths of the World mission, which provides a platform for uploading and publishing photos, creating a personal nature journal and learning about the natural world …

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