On going events

Feb 06, 2025 15:00 Europe/Rome

Community of Practice: Citizen Science & Public Libraries

Public libraries interested in citizen science are invited to join this exciting new series of online events 'Community of Practice: Public Libraries & Citizen Science' happening throughout 2025. Hosted by SciStarter, ECS Academy, and PL2030 as part of the ECS project, these regular gatherings will connect libraries to share experiences, best practices, and guidance on developing their citizen science activities. …

European Citizen Science European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)

Upcoming events

Apr 01, 2025 11:00 Europe/Paris

ECS Collaboration Session - Help build the European Research Infrastructure for Excellence in Citizen Science

European Citizen Science Stickydot European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) Ibercivis Foundation
Apr 09, 2025
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Nuovi orizzonti per la Citizen Science in Italia

Il secondo convegno nazionale dell'associazione Citizen science Italia, si svolgerà a Bologna dal 9 al 12 aprile 2025.Tre giornate di presentazioni sui nuovi orizzonti della Citizen Science in Italia, che culmineranno nel “Citizen Science Day”, un evento partecipativo aperto a tutta la cittadinanza. Struttura del convegno: - Presentazioni orali: presentazioni “tradizionali” e light talk. Le proposte verranno vagliate dal comitato …

Citizen Science Italia ETS
Apr 29, 2025

Brussels Town Hall, Grand …

ACCTING final conference. Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal

The European Green Deal aspires to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, with a commitment to ‘leave no one behind.’ However, current environmental policies often overlook the diverse social impacts on marginalised groups. Low-income populations, racial minorities, women, or rural communities frequently bear the brunt of environmental challenges, while also facing significant barriers to accessing green solutions. These …

ACCTING European Science Foundation
May 23, 2025 09:00 Europe/Lisbon

Avenida Professor Doutor Cavaco …

OTTERS Conference | Waves of Change: Changing hearts and minds through citizen science

Join the conference that will highlight how to bridge Education, Science and Civic Engagement through Citizen Science! 🌊 🔔 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS UNTIL MARCH 28, 2025 🔔 The conference will bring current Citizen Science research and initiatives into light and highlight the OTTERS project’s contribution to the field over the past three years. Through oral presentations, workshops, posters and demonstrations, …

OTTERS NUCLIO European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) 21c Consultancy
Jun 03, 2025 09:00 Europe/Amsterdam

TU Aula Congrescentrum, 5, …

Citizen Science for Water Conference

Join us 3-5 June in Delft, the Netherlands for the Citizen Science for Water Conference. For this inaugural CS4Water conference, we will focus on freshwater systems, diving into engaging workshop sessions, exploring innovative research, and connecting international water and citizen science experts. The conference will focus on the crucial role citizen science plays within water resource monitoring, management and governance …

Jun 28, 2025 17:00 Europe/Berlin

Natural History Museum, 43, …

Wie gesund sind deine Kartoffeln? DNA-Analyse im molekularbiologischen Labor des MfN

DNA ist überall. Sie bestimmt diverse Eigenschaften in Tieren und Pflanzen. Wir laden euch ein, eure eigenen Kartoffelblätter zur DNA-Analyse mitzubringen, um sie auf krankheitsresistente Gene zu untersuchen. Neugierig geworden? Dann schreibt uns unter: patafest@ecsa.ngo oder meldet euch hier an: https://forms.monday.com/forms/b293b6583af626453f7e5c57b675a190?r=euc1 Leider dürfen Personen, die schwanger sind, stillen, unter 18 Jahre alt sind oder keine Kartoffeln anbauen, nicht ins Labor

Past events

Feb 22, 2022 15:00 Europe/Brussels

Webinar: Data protection, vulnerable groups and citizen science

This interesting webinar will shed some light on the challenges and possible solutions of data protection of vulnerable groups. In the first part, the webinar will focus on the guidelines and desirable practices when working with vulnerable groups to assure their rights are protected. Then, representatives of citizen science projects that work with vulnerable groups will give their insights. Afterwards, …

Feb 11, 2022 11:00 Europe/Brussels

Stories about Women in Citizen Science

ECSA is celebrating the 2022 International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This is promoted every year by UNESCO. Together with the ECSA Storytelling and Other Arts Working Group, we will share stories from many people (from all genders) from our community, who are particularly engaged in this field. One day a year is not enough to achieve equal …

Feb 08, 2022 13:30 Europe/Brussels

The Role of Citizens in EU Missions Implementation

The TIME4CS consortium is delighted to invite you at the 1st Citizen Science Helix Event on The Role of Citizens in EU Missions Implementation - Tuesday, the 8th of February. EU Missions are a novelty of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. They are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. With ambitious …

Feb 04, 2022

Paris Open Science European Conference (OSEC)

This international conference is being organised with the strong support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the French Academy of Sciences, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS),the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), the High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (Hcéres), the French National Research Agency (ANR), the University of …

Jan 27, 2022 19:30 Europe/Brussels

Citizen Science Pub Quiz

After the great success of the first two online editions of its popular pub quiz, Österreich forscht is very pleased to invite you to a new edition together with the colleagues from CoAct. The pub quiz is for everyone who wants to contribute their knowledge about science and have fun. Do you know your way around the world of science? …

Jan 25, 2022

3rd ESFRI RIs -EOSC Workshop: What does EOSC bring to RI users?

The main objective of the workshop is to bring together ESFRI, ESFRI Research Infrastructures (RIs) and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) stakeholders, in order to showcase and better comprehend the EOSC concept, including the Open Science and “FAIR” policy agenda, and the vision for the future, along with the EOSC value proposition for its users, and ensure an optimal federation …

Jan 10, 2022 14:00 Europe/Brussels

Online Course on Management of Biosphere Reserves and other designated areas

If you are a post graduate student, young scientist, member of a MAB Youth Group, educator or manager working on Biosphere Reserves and other designated areas, then, this online course is for you! The course is the virtual part of the 2021 Asterousia Hybrid University on Management of Biosphere Reserves and other designated areas, and will run from 10 January …

Dec 07, 2021 09:30 Europe/Brussels

EUSEA Conference 2021

The annual conference of the European Science Engagement Association (EUSEA) is aimed at researchers and practitioners in the fields of science communication and citizen science. This year's edition will also celebrate the 20th anniversary of EUSEA. On this occasion, no conference fees will be charged for participation. During this event, topics such as the importance of citizen and societal engagement …

Dec 06, 2021 11:30 Europe/Brussels

Technology in and for Society. Innovating well for inclusive transitions

This conference seeks to develop a policy agenda to pair the transformative potential of emerging technology with the necessity of good governance: how can we innovate both more and well, i.e. within inclusive processes, with values at the centre, and with lasting positive impact. The multi-stakeholder meeting aims to explore values, design principles, and a possible practical agenda for leveraging …

Dec 02, 2021 13:00 Europe/Brussels

ESCAPE 1st Citizen Science Workshop

The First ESCAPE Citizen Science Workshop will feature showcases of successful citizen science projects in several research fields covered by the ESCAPE Science Partners. There will also be a series of hands-on tutorials in which you will learn how to build your own citizen science project, implement advanced statistical aggregation methods and integrate machine learning.

Nov 30, 2021 15:00 Europe/Brussels

Workshop series: Common challenges in citizen science

Scivil and Stickydot are organising a series of four thematic workshops on common challenges in citizen science. These workshops are aimed at people who are involved or interested in coordinating, organising or supporting citizen science initiatives. Experience with citizen science is welcome, but not required, just your willingness to ask, share and discuss about the topic! Each workshop will kick …

Nov 24, 2021 11:00 Europe/Brussels

The future of citizen science: sharing experiences from the European community

The future of citizen science: sharing experiences from the European community is a gathering of the global citizen science community. It is aimed at sharing experiences and stimulating debates about the role citizen science can play in supporting a sustainable, just and green Europe. Over two days you will hear from a great variety of speakers, be able to share …

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