Upcoming events

Sep 16, 2024 14:00 Europe/Rome

Life in a Changing Climate - How citizen science helps us understand environmental changes and risks

Sep 17, 2024 14:00 Europe/Rome

Changing Habits in a Changing Climate - Discussing theories of change and understanding the role of citizen science in breaking societal patterns

Sep 19, 2024 15:00 Europe/Rome

Citizen science and public libraries: networking session

ECS Academy, SciStarter and Public Libraries 2030 are organising an online networking session for public library staff to share their experiences, challenges, and exchange with members of the citizen science community. Join us to kickstart the building of a stronger, more connected European citizen science library community. 🗓️ September 19 ⏰15:00 (CEST) 🔗Register: https://forms.gle/1G5hBfyt7StC11vH9

European Citizen Science European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
Sep 28, 2024 09:30 Europe/Paris

Ibis, Rue Froment, Quartier …

Journée de Sensibilisation à la Science Ouverte de Circle U.

Nov 12, 2024

Brussel, Brussel-Hoofdstad, Brussel Hoofdstad, …

OpenLab Conference

From November 12 to 15, OpenLab.brussels* is organizing a CONFERENCE that aims to bring together contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in participatory research projects. We welcome people willing to contribute by presenting a paper, sharing experiences and ideas through a clear presentation (with or without a paper), discussion tables, or on-site visits. Selected contributions will be reviewed and published …

Dec 02, 2024
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Bridging Sustainability and Accessibility in the Green Transition: Future Transformations in the Digital World

Now in its third edition, the Green Digital Accessibility conference focuses on the urgent challenge of building a sustainable and inclusive digital future for all, exploring innovative research and real-world practices across technology, communication, environmental science, and education. This conference serves as an important meeting point for researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, educators, activists, and anyone interested in accessibility and sustainability …

ACCTING European Science Foundation
Dec 02, 2024

ACCTING Panel Towards a fair and inclusive Green Deal: Insights from European research

The European Green Deal sets out ambitious goals to achieve a fair and green transition without leaving anyone behind. However, emerging research indicates that existing policies and practices largely fail to incorporate gender and other complex inequalities. Hosting presentations focused on the policy areas of disaster management, mobility, and food security, the panel’s presenters illustrate – through comparative case studies …

ACCTING European Science Foundation

Past events

Oct 05, 2022

ECSA 2022 Conference: Citizen Science for Planetary Health

Why “Citizen Science for Planetary Health”? Because the health of our planet is at risk. To preserve and support the well-being of all life on Earth, we need the commitment and efforts of everyone – policy makers, the public, business, science and research. Citizen science offers effective and innovative ways to do transdisciplinary research and influence decision-making in multiple areas …

Sep 20, 2022

Zaragoza (etopia, Centro de …

Identidades Comunes: II National Meeting of Citizen Science Social Sciences and Humanities in Zaragoza (Spain)

"Identidades Comunes" is a space for cooperation and co-creation between project managers, researchers and participants in Citizen Science, social sciences and humanities projects. The national meeting to be held in Zaragoza on 20 September. Researchers, managers of Citizen Science projects, participants or members of associations working to generate knowledge in the field of social sciences and humanities, you are invited …

Aug 31, 2022 09:00 Europe/Brussels
Leiden University Library

Fostering Change: Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Open and Citizen Science in Higher Education Institutes

Join the INOS Project for our final project event: Fostering Change: Challenges and Opportunities for integrating Open and Citizen Science at Higher Education Institutions. The workshop will celebrate and share the work of INOS on assessing the social impact of Higher Education Institutions as knowledge hubs, and look to the future of how HEIs can better situate their role in …

Jul 11, 2022

Santander (Península de la …

Citizen Science and Universities: Summer Course in Santander (Spain)

The summer course "Citizen Science and Universities" organised by the Menéndez Pelayo International University to be held on 11, 12 and 13 July in Santander. Citizen science is already a methodology used in numerous research projects. One of the challenges posed by the course is to find the most effective way to open the university to citizens through Citizen Science. …

Jul 10, 2022

REINFORCE International Training Course 2022

Citizen Science creates numerous opportunities for all citizens – independent of their location, gender, or education – to be involved in ground-breaking fundamental research. Through citizen science activities, everyone can contribute to the development of new knowledge. Increasingly, scientists from Large Research Infrastructures and Frontier Physics experiments are starting to share their data and ask for citizens to support the …

Jul 07, 2022 14:00 Europe/Brussels

Describing your citizen science project – How to present your project and recruit volunteers

In this installment of our webinar series, CS Track researchers will share tips and tricks for writing informative and engaging project descriptions and analyse concrete examples (both positive and negative) together with the participants. Moreover, participants will have the chance to draft their own descriptions and receive feedback from the presenters. Following a round of introductions and presentation of our …

Jul 05, 2022 13:00 Europe/Brussels

Forum on Impact Assessment in Citizen Science

On 5th July the MICS, CoAct and ACTION projects are co-hosting a forum on impact assessment in citizen science. This will be an opportunity to explore current frameworks, methods and tools for impact assessment as well as discussing what is currently missing for effective impact assessment and how we can monitor the contribution of citizen science to global societal challenges …

Jun 28, 2022
Pisa, Italy

The role of photographic heritage in empowering communities participation in cultural heritage

This event is organized by Photoconsortium in cooperation with the University of Pisa and will be hosted at the Museum of Graphics in Pisa (Italy). The event will take the form of a 1-day conference with leading speakers from the CitizenHeritage consortium partners and other experts in digital cultural heritage, in Social Sciences and Humanities research and in the use …

Jun 28, 2022
Dornbirn, Austria

Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2022: Citizen Science - Warum (eigentlich) nicht?

Die inatura Erlebnis Naturschau freut sich, als Mitglied des Citizen Science Network Austria die 7. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz vom 28. – 30.06.2022 gemeinsam mit der österreichischen Citizen Science Plattform Österreich forscht und der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien in Dornbirn veranstalten zu dürfen. Der Tradition der Österreichischen Citizen Science Konferenzen folgend sind explizit alle Fachrichtungen und Vertreter*innen mit unterschiedlichsten institutionellen …

Jun 23, 2022 11:00 Europe/Brussels

Cos4Cloud and its services for the citizen science community

Cos4Cloud is a EU-funded project that is co-designing, prototyping and implementing a number of new tools and services that address the technological challenges shared by citizen observatories. These services can help citizen observatories to improve data and information quality of observations and can be used as modules, so that any existing citizen science observatory will be able to choose and …

Jun 14, 2022 14:00 Europe/Brussels

Citizen science to inspire educators – The importance of metadata and open data, online workshop, 14 June

Social media and online platforms are used by citizen science projects to share information about their work, how to participate, and motivate citizens to join them but also as a research tool. CS Track is exploring how communication is done and what type of information is shared. In this workshop, we want to share our insights on this and also …

Jun 09, 2022 14:00 Europe/Brussels

Zoom - Link will …

The critical role of Citizen Science in the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

In this virtual session of the Fifth Science-Policy Forum for Biodiversity, representatives from leading scientific agencies, natural history museums from around the world, and other global experts and engaged citizens will exchange experiences on citizen science, reflect on its contributions in support of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and discuss collaboration opportunities to scale up its impact. The outcomes of …

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