On going events
Community of Practice: Citizen Science & Public Libraries
Public libraries interested in citizen science are invited to join this exciting new series of online events 'Community of Practice: Public Libraries & Citizen Science' happening throughout 2025. Hosted by SciStarter, ECS Academy, and PL2030 as part of the ECS project, these regular gatherings will connect libraries to share experiences, best practices, and guidance on developing their citizen science activities. …
Upcoming events
ECS Collaboration Session - Help build the European Research Infrastructure for Excellence in Citizen Science
Nuovi orizzonti per la Citizen Science in Italia
Il secondo convegno nazionale dell'associazione Citizen science Italia, si svolgerà a Bologna dal 9 al 12 aprile 2025.Tre giornate di presentazioni sui nuovi orizzonti della Citizen Science in Italia, che culmineranno nel “Citizen Science Day”, un evento partecipativo aperto a tutta la cittadinanza. Struttura del convegno: - Presentazioni orali: presentazioni “tradizionali” e light talk. Le proposte verranno vagliate dal comitato …
Brussels Town Hall, Grand …
ACCTING final conference. Empowering change: Building a fair and inclusive Green Deal
The European Green Deal aspires to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, with a commitment to ‘leave no one behind.’ However, current environmental policies often overlook the diverse social impacts on marginalised groups. Low-income populations, racial minorities, women, or rural communities frequently bear the brunt of environmental challenges, while also facing significant barriers to accessing green solutions. These …
Avenida Professor Doutor Cavaco …
OTTERS Conference | Waves of Change: Changing hearts and minds through citizen science
Join the conference that will highlight how to bridge Education, Science and Civic Engagement through Citizen Science! 🌊 🔔 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS UNTIL MARCH 28, 2025 🔔 The conference will bring current Citizen Science research and initiatives into light and highlight the OTTERS project’s contribution to the field over the past three years. Through oral presentations, workshops, posters and demonstrations, …
TU Aula Congrescentrum, 5, …
Citizen Science for Water Conference
Join us 3-5 June in Delft, the Netherlands for the Citizen Science for Water Conference. For this inaugural CS4Water conference, we will focus on freshwater systems, diving into engaging workshop sessions, exploring innovative research, and connecting international water and citizen science experts. The conference will focus on the crucial role citizen science plays within water resource monitoring, management and governance …
Natural History Museum, 43, …
Wie gesund sind deine Kartoffeln? DNA-Analyse im molekularbiologischen Labor des MfN
DNA ist überall. Sie bestimmt diverse Eigenschaften in Tieren und Pflanzen. Wir laden euch ein, eure eigenen Kartoffelblätter zur DNA-Analyse mitzubringen, um sie auf krankheitsresistente Gene zu untersuchen. Neugierig geworden? Dann schreibt uns unter: patafest@ecsa.ngo oder meldet euch hier an: https://forms.monday.com/forms/b293b6583af626453f7e5c57b675a190?r=euc1 Leider dürfen Personen, die schwanger sind, stillen, unter 18 Jahre alt sind oder keine Kartoffeln anbauen, nicht ins Labor
Past events
Conservatoire National des Arts …
C’est notre participation active à nous, citoyens, en incluant la science à la vie en général et à celle de la communauté humaine. C’est la réappropriation de l’éducation par les citoyens, et leur implication dans les sciences, avec pour objectif la délégation des enseignements aux différents « sachant ». Tout le monde possède un ou des savoirs (savoir, savoir-faire, savoir-être) …
ECS Policy Event "Redefining Excellence: The CoARA Agreement as an Opportunity for the Citizen Science Community"
In this upcoming ECS policy event, we will explore the central role of citizen science in reforming research assessment and redefining scientific excellence. Join our online panel of experts and decision-makers from science and policy as we discuss the CoARA Agreement - a unique opportunity to advance the integration of citizen science into mainstream academic funding and reputation systems. Together …
From idea to impact: Successful citizen science in Flanders
Scivil turns five in 2024! To celebrate this anniversary, we invite you to join us on March 11 in Leuven for an inspiring afternoon dedicated to successful citizen science projects in Flanders and beyond. Four projects will showcase how they successfully developed citizen science from concept to impact. Following the presentations, you can ask all your burning questions to the …
ECS project showcase: Sharing insights and facilitating dialogue in citizen science
Join the ECS project at the online event “ECS project showcase: Sharing insights and facilitating dialogue in citizen science” taking place on 27 February 2024, 12-13:30h CET. We will share the project’s insights on the topics of data practices in citizen science, impact evaluation, the ECS Academy (training and capacity building) and policy priorities of ECS in four input presentations. …
'Introduction to Citizen Artist™ and Art-Based Research Methods'
In this online hybrid and experiential course, you will be introduced to Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE) research methodologies, non-conventional field-based research methods grounded in multimodal knowledge systems, sensory-based learning and framed within ecological and biological principles. The ABPE methods and tools have application to studying changes in ecological systems and addressing critical environmental issues such as biodiversity decline, habitat loss …
OTTERS workshop on ethical issues and water stewardship
The Horizon Europe/Mission Ocean & Waters OTTERS project promotes societal transformation for marine and freshwater stewardship through scaling up citizen science, and supports the coordination of citizen science initiatives focused on water. This workshop will focus on key ethical issues around citizen science and water stewardship, looking at informed consent, trust, power, equity and more, with presentations on governance, technology, …
Un Tiers-Veilleur pourquoi comment ? Quel accompagnement des projets de recherche participative ?
En collaboration avec l’Ecole de la Médiation et Sciences Citoyennes Invité.e.s : Tristan Lescure (ANR), Julia Bonaccorsi (VP Sciences et Société Lyon 2), Evelyne Lhoste (INRAE) ; animation Isabelle Proux (Ecole de la Médiation) La recherche participative vise la coconstruction des savoirs en engageant des chercheurs et des non-chercheurs qui peuvent être des professionnels, des citoyens ou des personnes concernées, …
1st AGORA Webinar- “Participatory processes and Climate Change. The contribution of citizens during outdoor activities”
🌍 Dive into the world of Citizen Science and Climate Adaptation! 🌿 Join the AGORA project's Webinar on Participatory Processes and Climate Change. Discover how citizens can make a difference during outdoor activities in the face of climate change. 🌐 🗓️ Save the date: January 29th 🕒 Time: 17:00-18:30 CET 📍 Where: Online #ClimateAction #CitizenScience #ClimateAdaptation #AGORA 🌎💪 *** The …
Jardin des Plantes, Boulevard …
Science participatives
Les sciences et recherches participatives peuvent être définies comme des formes de production de connaissances scientifiques auxquelles participent - avec des chercheurs - des acteurs de la société civile, de façon active et délibérée. Les objectifs de cet enseignement seront : 1) de caractériser les sciences et recherches participatives en embrassant la diversité des disciplines concernées et des approches existantes …
Webinar training on VERA, the Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation, developed through the COESO project
Join our webinar training on VERA, the Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation, developed through the COESO project (Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues). 📅 Date: 16 January 2024 ⏲️ Time: 11:00-12:00 CEST 🚩 Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEld--rpz4qEtdUv1lf9dydbluoUKHcpYDc Participatory research/ citizen science in social sciences and humanities disciplines usually involves small-scale, intense collaborations between members of academic institutions (universities and other research institutions) …
Promenade du Parc, Villejuif, …
Impliquer les publics grâce aux démarches participatives
Réaliser des médiations culturelles et scientifiques favorisant la participation des publics – Choisir le niveau de participation d’un projet – Identifier les leviers et freins de la participation dans votre structure – Estimer la pertinence d’un jeu de discussion comme outil de médiation – Proposer un plan d’action pour rendre un projet plus participatif
NH Berlaymont Brussels, 11-19, …
YouCount: Save the dates for Final Conference 4-5 December 2023
Youth Citizen Social Science contributing to social inclusion How can we shape an inclusive society for young people at risk of exclusion in Europe? What role can Citizen Science play in this endeavour? The Horizon 2020 research and innovation project YouCount explored these questions through co-creative research with youth and local stakeholders in nine countries across ten cases. After two …