On going events
Upcoming events
Citizen Science Nederland - Networking Day 2025
Join the third Citizen Science Nederland Networking Day which will take place on Tuesday 14 January 2025 at the Neude Library in Utrecht from 09:30-18:00. During this day, you will learn more about the CS-NL network plans, participate in hands-on workshops and you join the various CS-NL working and thematic groups. The event will be mostly in Dutch, but they …
ECS Policy Event “Citizen Science beyond 2030: Societal Engagement for a Sustainable Future”
Join the ECS project at the online policy event "Citizen Science beyond 2030: Societal Engagement for a Sustainable Future” taking place on Wednesday, 22 January 2025, 10:00-12:00 CET. By contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - be it through providing monitoring data, raising awareness or promoting behavioural change - the citizen science community has demonstrated that it can …
Community of Practice: Citizen Science & Public Libraries
Public libraries interested in citizen science are invited to join this exciting new series of online events 'Community of Practice: Public Libraries & Citizen Science' happening throughout 2025. Hosted by SciStarter, ECS Academy, and PL2030 as part of the ECS project, these regular gatherings will connect libraries to share experiences, best practices, and guidance on developing their citizen science activities. …
Past events
Jardin des Plantes, Boulevard …
Science participatives
Les sciences et recherches participatives peuvent être définies comme des formes de production de connaissances scientifiques auxquelles participent - avec des chercheurs - des acteurs de la société civile, de façon active et délibérée. Les objectifs de cet enseignement seront : 1) de caractériser les sciences et recherches participatives en embrassant la diversité des disciplines concernées et des approches existantes …
Webinar training on VERA, the Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation, developed through the COESO project
Join our webinar training on VERA, the Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation, developed through the COESO project (Collaborative Engagement on Societal Issues). 📅 Date: 16 January 2024 ⏲️ Time: 11:00-12:00 CEST 🚩 Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEld--rpz4qEtdUv1lf9dydbluoUKHcpYDc Participatory research/ citizen science in social sciences and humanities disciplines usually involves small-scale, intense collaborations between members of academic institutions (universities and other research institutions) …
Promenade du Parc, Villejuif, …
Impliquer les publics grâce aux démarches participatives
Réaliser des médiations culturelles et scientifiques favorisant la participation des publics – Choisir le niveau de participation d’un projet – Identifier les leviers et freins de la participation dans votre structure – Estimer la pertinence d’un jeu de discussion comme outil de médiation – Proposer un plan d’action pour rendre un projet plus participatif
NH Berlaymont Brussels, 11-19, …
YouCount: Save the dates for Final Conference 4-5 December 2023
Youth Citizen Social Science contributing to social inclusion How can we shape an inclusive society for young people at risk of exclusion in Europe? What role can Citizen Science play in this endeavour? The Horizon 2020 research and innovation project YouCount explored these questions through co-creative research with youth and local stakeholders in nine countries across ten cases. After two …
OTTERS workshop: legal issues regarding citizen generated data for the water domain
The OTTERS project promotes societal transformation for marine and freshwater stewardship through scaling up citizen science, and supports the coordination of citizen science initiatives focused on water. This workshop focuses on legal issues around water-based citizen science and engagement (including GDPR and citizens’ privacy). Key topics of discussion will be: ● Data protection and privacy risks and challenges, with respect …
How to make the best of citizen science for your research
You have heard about the term citizen science but you are not entirely sure what it means? Are you curious to know how citizen science can be applied to your research but you don't really know how to implement it? Join this webinar and find out more about citizen science! The webinar will tell you about the European Citizen Science …
RadoNorm citizen science webinar
On European Radon Day, this webinar aims to provide an overview of the seven RadoNorm citizen science projects (Italy, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain) highlighting their objectives and ongoing activities. More information about the projects can be found at: https://www.radonorm.eu/activities/radonorm-citizen-science/
DesignLab, University of Twente, …
Citizen Science for Health conference 2023
Τhe first global Citizen Science for Health conference will take place on Sunday 29 October – Wednesday 1 November 2023 at DesignLab, University of Twente, the Netherlands. The conference will be organized in close cooperation with University of Twente's TechMed Centre, as part of the MedTech Twente Week 2023. The event is initiated by the Working group Citizen Science for …
20, Avenue George Sand, …
Connect. Collaborate. Create. Bridging communities to foster participatory research and citizen science
An interactive conference hosted by Horizon 2020 projects COESO and ProEthics to bridge key European communities to: 1) activate participatory research and citizen science involving the social sciences and humanities, and 2) foster ethical participatory approaches to research funding. All citizen science practitioners or supporters are welcome! SSH researchers, civil society professionals & organizations, librarians, science shop coordinators, research funding …
Square Brussels Convention Centre, …
Citizen science and co-design tools for cities
As part of the 2023 European Week of Regions and Cities, SOCIO-BEE will be participating in the participatory/political lab, ‘Citizen science and co-design tools for cities’, on Tuesday, 10 October 2023 at 9:30 CET in Brussels. SOCIO-BEE and nine other EU-funded projects will present the tools and resources they have developed to help communities make their cities more sustainable.
Calling all librarians, academicians, researchers, citizen scientists and students! Join us at International Symposium on Citizen Science 2023! Date: 2 & 3 October 2023 (Monday & Tuesday) Medium: Online Symposium Objectives: * Facilitate the dissemination of information to the general public regarding citizen science initiatives, accomplished through the exchange of knowledge and exemplary practices sourced from a variety of organizations …
Stories from the YouCount Youth - On new perspectives, being heard more deeply and belonging.
YouCount is working to co-create new knowledge and innovations to increase youth social inclusion. Since 2020, 100s of young people from local communities and 30 students from universities have worked with researchers on 10 research questions in 9 different countries. This webinar is a unique opportunity for you to learn about the YouCount project. 16 of these young people co-created …