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ECS project June 1, 2023, noon

Citizen science for social transformation: Measuring the impact of citizen science initiatives

While impact assessment remains a complex issue, a lot of experience and expertise has already been developed within the citizen science community of practice on how to approach and implement impact assessment in a holistic manner – taking into account the needs and expectations of citizen scientists, professional scientists, wider stakeholder communities, funding agencies, and policymakers...

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ECS project June 1, 2023, noon

Let’s navigate together through the sea of citizen science in Europe!

We launch the Citizen science lighthouse newsletter with the hope that it will become an important guide for those involved and interested in citizen science. A beacon that will serve us to orient ourselves in the vast ocean of citizen science, find the safest and uncharted routes, land in familiar ports and discover unexplored lands and islands. We also aspire to gather many companions to collaboratively build a globally connected, inclusive and strong citizen science community that drives societal change in Europe.

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Simona Cerrato March 15, 2023, 3 p.m.

Citizen science and machine learning: a promising partnership

The Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced School/Workshop on Machine Learning in Citizen Science was dedicated to explore the convergence of data-driven Citizen Science projects and machine learning techniques can help tackle scientific and societal challenges. Learn more about the event and the merge between citizen science and machine learning in this post.

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Andrea Troncoso Troncoso Quilaqueo, Jan. 10, 2023, 1 p.m.

Kick 2023 off the right way! A fantastic opportunity for Citizen Science projects who go that extra step!

The IMPETUS EU-project is offering grants, prizes and a set of supporting tools to new and continuing citizen science projects.

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Simona Cerrato Jan. 9, 2023, 11 a.m.

What teens have to say about their health

The newly released video wraps up two years of work and co-creation with groups of teenagers in four European countries for the project SEEDS, dedicated to healthy lifestyles.

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Simona Cerrato Dec. 27, 2022, 7 a.m.

European Citizen Science: the communication and dissemination plan in a nutshell

The European Citizen Science project has the overall objective to widen and strengthen the citizen science community in Europe. We have decided to elaborate a strategic communication and dissemination plan that will guide the European Citizen Science project for the next 4 years and beyond. Here we share its essence.

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Andrea Troncoso Troncoso Quilaqueo, Dec. 20, 2022, 12:10 p.m.

Save the date! 2023 starts with an Open Call for citizen science initiatives!

A call for new and ongoing citizen science initiatives, plus the European Union Prize for Citizen Science launch, is on the agenda for January 2023!

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Baiba Pruse April 20, 2022, 3 p.m.

Reflections from the first ever course on Citizen science and Local ecological knowledge at the University of Iceland

Citizen science, often neglected when discussing environmental governance, is a key in today’s world progressing towards sustainable transitions. The blog takes its readers on a fascinating journey about citizen science for a sustainable environment.

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Simona Cerrato April 7, 2022, 4 p.m.

Artificial Intelligence, citizen science and the democratization of science

Marisa Ponti, Professor in the Division of Learning, Communication and IT, in the Department of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, recently published “Human-machine-learning integration and task allocation in citizen science” (Humanities and Social Sciences Communication, 9 February 2022), together with Alena Seredko. The study analyzed and explored the complex and challenging area of human-machine learning integration in citizen science projects.

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Simona Cerrato March 28, 2022, 10 a.m.

How to empower teenagers in health issues: a practical guide for teachers

Health and Education are intrinsically related: improvements in education produce better health outcomes and vice versa. This is one of the focus of SEEDS (, a project done by teenagers for teenagers based on citizen science to create new experiments for healthy lifestyles.

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Simona Cerrato March 9, 2022, 10 a.m.

Scientific and civic engagements in citizen science. Anticipation for the Engaging Citizen Science Conference 2022

Why does citizen science engage scientists and citizens? How do we as citizen science practitioners and researchers make sure that citizen science will continue to be engaging — and engaged in the creation of new scientific knowledge, while also addressing issues of public concern?

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Alice Sheppard March 1, 2022, 12:35 p.m.

Citizen Science training webinars, talks and a roundtable with the HEIDI project

The HEIDI project invites you to a series of short webinars, talks and a roundtable on digital action - citizen science, makeathons and hackathons.

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