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Sonia Liñán Sept. 26, 2024, 9:38 a.m.

200,000 Marine Observations with the MINKA Citizen Science Observatory

In a significant achievement within the framework of the ECS project, the MINKA Citizen Science Observatory has now surpassed 200,000 verified marine observations on the Catalan coast. This remarkable milestone is a testament to the successful collaboration between citizens, researchers, and the various European initiatives supporting marine biodiversity conservation, including the ECS project.

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Anna Verones, Aug. 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.

Diversity, equity and inclusion at risk - How layoffs in the tech industry impact citizen science

Was Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) truly ever a valued priority? Recent layoffs at Microsoft, Google, X and other tech giants often targeted employers and consultants working on DEI, showing decreasing commitment in creating safe and diverse work environments. Those layoffs beg the question: How can we trust that future technologies from these companies will support our efforts to drive systemic change if their commitment to DEI appears superficial?

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Simona Cerrato Aug. 21, 2024, 12:39 p.m.

Diversity and inclusion: a reflection

Many studies have been conducted to understand how to tackle social inclusion in science and technology, many projects have been carried out, and a considerable amount of money has been spent; however science participation continues to show an uneven pattern. Science and science related activities, including citizen science — even if meant for everybody — are in fact enjoyed by a restricted share of people. Even if we are not in the position to change our societies on a large scale, we can promote significant changes in our range of actions.

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Stefania Oikonomou, Aug. 21, 2024, 12:01 p.m.

Empowering Deaf communities in Greece through citizen social science

Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) citizens are equally affected by socio-environmental challenges (e.g. climate change, social wellbeing, etc.) but are usually excluded from processes that lead to their active participation in shaping their community’s future. Through citizen social science, we believe their voice can be heard!

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Juliette Chalant Aug. 15, 2024, 8:42 a.m.

Public libraries and citizen science: takeaways from a pilot training course

In May 2024, 19 public libraries from all over the world attended an online intensive training within the context of the European Citizen Science (ECS) project to learn about citizen science and how public libraries have integrated, and can integrate, citizen science in their library.

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Anna Verones, July 29, 2024, 9:31 a.m.

ECSA’s ongoing advocacy: Harnessing citizen science for climate action

Discover how ECSA is harnessing citizen science to drive climate action and engage communities. Recent initiatives include a training session on engaging stakeholders and citizens for climate adaptation with MIP4Adapt, and participation in the EU Climate Pact Community Forum.

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Juliette Chalant July 10, 2024, 7:51 a.m.

Citizen science and the libraries: the stories of the Valmiera Library, Latvia

As part of the ECS project, 10 public libraries from Public Libraries 2030’s European network are organising citizen science-related events. These events aim to introduce citizen science to a wider public, ultimately broadening and strengthening the European citizen science community. The spotlight is on the Valmiera Library in Latvia, who has organised several activities and events on citizen science throughout 2024 to popularise citizen science and promote public participation in scientific research.

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Simona Cerrato June 27, 2024, 9:11 a.m.

Michael Køie Poulsen, A Champion for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, passed away

Michael Køie Poulsen, a tireless advocate for focused biodiversity conservation and a champion for community-based solutions, passed away on 21 June. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him and shared his vision for a future where biodiversity is valued and local communities thrive.

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Andrea Sforzi June 17, 2024, 1:41 p.m.

Italy: the NBFC Working Table on Citizen Science was born

The National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) is one out of five national centres dedicated to frontier research, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) in the framework of Next Generation EU. Established under an initiative of the National Research Council (CNR), NBFC is the first National Research Center dedicated to conservation, monitoring, restoration and valorisation of biodiversity. In this frame on May 21st 2024 the NBFC Working Table on Citizen Science was officially launched with the aim of making citizen science increasingly significant elements, in the short and medium term.

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Simona Cerrato June 17, 2024, 8:33 a.m.

Training is key!

This is the straight conclusion of the workshop "Let’s imagine training for facilitators in citizen science projects!" held at the Ecsite conference 2024 (Ljubljana, 5-8 June 2024) facilitated by Catherine Oulian of the Ecole de la médiation Universcience (Paris), Aouife Taylor of the Trinity College Dublin, Claudia Aguirre and Paul Boniface of the association TRACES (Paris), and myself, representing the ECS project and ECSA. The workshop offered feedback from institutions involved in citizen science and in (inter)mediation or facilitation training, and the ECS project contributed by communicating some training needs, identified with our community, and its work in developing an European Citizen Science Academy (ECS Academy).

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Stefanie Schuerz, April 24, 2024, 1 p.m.

Rethinking impact assessment in citizen science

Rethinking impact assessment in citizen science was the topic of a whole-day focus session at the ECSA Conference 2024 in Vienna. The event was the perfect space for more than 80 attendees to discuss current challenges and possible solutions to evaluation and impact assessment in a design thinking approach that spread across three consecutive sessions. It was organised by Barbara Kieslinger, Teresa Schaefer and Stefanie Schuerz of the ECS project and Antonella Passani of the Impetus project.

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Simona Cerrato April 24, 2024, 12:51 p.m.

Our desirable futures

The ECSA2024 conference closed with a very special event, the Citizen Science Day, which was held on Saturday 6 April in the wonderful setting of the Natural Science Museum of Vienna. On the balcony overlooking the spectacular circular entrance, dozens of activities, projects and organisations were available to visitors who in their thousands visited the museum that day. An event that gave us the opportunity to free ourselves from our computer screens and be with people: families, girls and boys, researchers, colleagues all together to explore the potential of citizen science.

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