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Mar 27, 2025 16:00 Europe/Berlin

Citizen science meets potatoes

Join the very first PataFEST Webinar! 📅 Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025 ⏰ Time: 16:00 CET We will explore the intersection of citizen science and the Agri-Food sector! 🔹 Christian Ghidelli (Funditec) will introduce the PataFEST project and its key goals. 🔹 Leo Mensel (European Citizen Science Association) will showcase a variety of engaging activities, including workshops and hands-on molecular …

Apr 01, 2025 11:00 Europe/Paris

ECS Collaboration Session - Help build the European Research Infrastructure for Excellence in Citizen Science

European Citizen Science Stickydot European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) Ibercivis Foundation
Apr 09, 2025
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Nuovi orizzonti per la Citizen Science in Italia

Il secondo convegno nazionale dell'associazione Citizen science Italia, si svolgerà a Bologna dal 9 al 12 aprile 2025.Tre giornate di presentazioni sui nuovi orizzonti della Citizen Science in Italia, che culmineranno nel “Citizen Science Day”, un evento partecipativo aperto a tutta la cittadinanza. Struttura del convegno: - Presentazioni orali: presentazioni “tradizionali” e light talk. Le proposte verranno vagliate dal comitato …

Citizen Science Italia ETS

What is

Citizen Science

Citizen science is any activity that involves the public in scientific research and thus has the potential to bring together science, policy makers, and society as a whole in an impactful way. Through citizen science, all people can participate in many stages of the scientific process, from the design of the research question, to data collection and volunteer mapping, data interpretation and analysis, and to publication and dissemination of results. Citizen science is also an approach of scientific work that may be used as a part of a broader scientific activity.

Learn more about it with the ECSA 10 Principles of Citizen Science and the ECSA Characteristics of Citizen Science!

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