Cos4Cloud final project event: its legacy for the citizen science community

Created Feb. 28, 2023, 9:49 p.m.
Updated April 20, 2023, 5:50 p.m.

Cos4Cloud is an EU-funded project that has co-designed, prototyped and implemented several new tools, methodologies and services that address the technological challenges shared by citizen observatories. These services can help citizen observatories improve the data and information quality of observations and can be used as modules so that any existing citizen science observatory can choose and install the technological services they wish.

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Jaume Piera (Cos4Cloud coordinator), explains Cos4Cloud's journey & contributions to citizen science, citizen observatories & the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) these over three years of the project.

Some members of the Cos4Cloud community also share their experiences participating in Cos4Cloud:

  1. Naya Grillia from NKUA presents Matrona Pappa's work on introducing citizen science into the school practice in Greece using Odourcollect. Matrona is a Physical Education teacher in Primary Education.
  2. Marc Vilella, a field technician at the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers and member of the FELIS group, shares his experience using the Cos4Cloud services FASTCAT-Edge and FASTCAT-Cloud to help improve camera traps user experience when monitoring Catalan mammals.
  3. Margaret Gold, the citizen science lead at Citizen Science Lab at Leiden University, talks about the 'Seeing Stars Leiden' initiative & how the Cos4Cloud service MOBIS contributed to storing and displaying light measurements on a map.
  4. Vladimir G. Toro Valencia, professor and researcher at Universidad de Antioquia and member of the WAIRA network, shares this network experience using the guides developed by Trébola Organización Ecológica in the Cos4Cloud framework to create do-it-yourself air quality sensors in La Ceja Antioquía (Colombia).

Find more about the project, its results and its services in this link:

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Year of publication: 2023

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May 13, 2020, 8:51 a.m.
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