The Big Food Map
from 28/04/2025 until 30/06/2025
This citizen science project engages Flemish citizens in mapping and understanding food environments in Flanders. Through an interactive app, participants provide insights into their food choices, perceptions, and barriers to healthier and more sustainable diets. The project also stimulates collaboration between citizens, policymakers, food sector companies, and short-chain initiatives to develop targeted actions that improve food environments. The collected data will be analyzed and shared with local actors and the public to drive evidence-based interventions.
The project aims to:
- Develop a citizen science methodology to collect data on food environments, including citizens' behavior and perceptions.
- Identify barriers to healthier and more sustainable food choices that are often overlooked in objective food environment analyses.
- Use the insights to design and implement context-, target group-, and setting-specific actions that encourage healthier and more sustainable diets in Flanders.
- Engage and empower citizens to actively participate in shaping their local food environments.
Needed equipment
All you need is a smartphone (iOS or Android) with internet access to use the app and submit responses.
About funding
Funding bodies: VLAIO
Created Feb. 24, 2025, 3:38 p.m.
Updated Feb. 26, 2025, 9:26 a.m.