
Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the ERA.

The project main objective is to gain insight into how knowledge and innovation systems can be adapted, made more inclusive and better governed to transform Europe’s food system outcomes for health, enterprise and the environment.


The vision of FOSTER is to build a foundation from which a new Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) governance structure for Europe’s food system can emerge. This new structure is needed because the current K&I system in the European Research Area (ERA) is insufficient to address the emerging challenges of nourishing Europe in a healthy, affordable and sustainable way.

A Food System Knowledge and Innovation System (FOKIS) is the result of a better K&I structure, combined with inclusive and broader research, and through participation, not just from the academia/science groups, but also from citizens. FOKIS will better equip the ERA to support citizens, academia, companies, policy actors, and other groups, in the transition towards a more sustainable and innovative food system.



In order to build a foundation from which a new Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) governance
structure for Europe’s food system can emerge, Foster has programmed its work based in six Specific Objectives (SO).


Combine existing food systems scientific knowledge with foresight expertise, and use information and communication technologies


Build and stabilize a skilled community of scientists, people of citizen driven initiatives and policy makers in the ERA to enable them to foster food system transition processes


Experience knowledge co-creation in CDI


Examine governance options in the Research & Innovation (R&I) domain to support and sustain a shift in the EU's R&I regime towards fostering food systems innovation


Engage with future food system thinkers in the European Research Area


Produce a novel understanding on how, and to which degree, a knowledge and innovation system transformation can be catalyzed and sustained in the long term

About funding

Funding bodies: Funding bodies: This project is funded by the European Union under the Grant Agreement n.º 101059954.

Created Sept. 30, 2024, 3:33 p.m.

Updated Sept. 30, 2024, 3:33 p.m.

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