
OpenSystems / Universitat de Barcelona

OpenSystems is a multidisciplinary group of the University of Barcelona that focuses on arts and public participation as core elements of the way of doing science. We work together with many actors and build tailored-made research collectives to address social concerns and issues mostly grounded in urban contexts. Our methodology is based on community processes and we are committed to horizontal research through innovation and public engagement. Data science, complex systems science and social or socio-economic systems are our primary areas of expertise. We co-design collective and pop-up experiments to raise evidences to respond societal challenges and to publicly discuss the results in a way which is valid for a wide range of actors. Our experimental setup is placed in the wild with situated, public and participatory experiments involving citizens at different levels. OpenSystems is fully committed with the emerging Citizen Social Science which we define as a participatory research co-designed and directly driven by citizen groups sharing a social concern. OpenSystems is coordinating the H2020 RIA CoAct (Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action).


Feb. 4, 2021, 7:46 a.m.
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