
Thank you to those that completed our Citizen Science Practitioner Survey on Volunteer Science Identity Development and Community-Building that was previously shared in this forum. As an extension of the survey, another phase of this study is seeking citizen science volunteers that self-identify as LGBTQ+ to participate in virtual one-on-one interviews. For any citizen science project leaders, please consider sharing the drafted message and graphic below with your project's network of volunteers. Please feel free to copy/paste the message below to send to them in an email (or let me know if you'd like me to send a draft email that you can then forward), and if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Draft Email for Citizen Science Project Volunteers:

Subject: Study Seeking LGBTQ+ Citizen Science Volunteers


Please consider this email as an invitation to participate in a research study on citizen science projects and volunteers.  The present phase of this study is seeking citizen science volunteers that self-identify as LGBTQ+ to participate in virtual one-on-one interviews. As part of my doctoral dissertation, I am conducting research to identify and understand the ways in which citizen science projects address the science identity development and community cultivation of their project volunteers with a focus on exploring the experiences of LGBTQ+ volunteers.  The title of our study is Queering Citizen Science:  Exploring the Science Identity Development and Community Cultivation of LGBTQ+ Volunteers.

I am emailing you to see if you would like to participate in this research. The time commitment to participate in the virtual interview is approximately 60 to 90 minutes.  If you are an LGBTQ+ citizen science volunteer and are interested in participating, please visit this link to complete a brief demographic survey.

If you have any questions feel free to email me (harwellt@oregonstate.edu), or the Principal Investigator administering the research with Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval (IRB-2020-0741), Dr. Heather Fischer (heather.fischer@oregonstate.edu) with Oregon State University.


Kind regards,

Todd A. Harwell, MS

