Training material

Training material  

  By: Muki Haklay on Sept. 9, 2020, 12:07 p.m.

We're now designing the training modules that will be developed in the platform. The suggestion that we put into the report are provided below. Please tell us about your suggestion and view. Each of these is a 1-2 hour self-directed training unit, to run without a tutor or support.
On the basis of the gap and needs analyses, we have identified the following modules that will be developed:
* Introduction to citizen science for journalists - this unit is aimed at journalists and it will include material to inform journalists about the field of citizen science, and how they can utilise it in their reporting and in developing new news stories.
* Training the trainers in citizen science - this unit is aimed at practitioners and explains the methodology of using the “train the trainers” in environmental citizen science projects.
* Introduction to citizen science for everyone - this unit is aimed at the public , and will provide an hour long course that will introduce them to the concept of citizen science and how they can find projects that will interest them and be relevant to them.
* Using citizen science in school - an introduction to the use of citizen science within the school context (from early years education to high school) and examples of activities that are relevant in this context. The course is aimed at teachers.
* Working with volunteers in citizen science - communication and feedback. Training for all audiences on how to keep volunteers engaged.
* Why trust citizen science data? A course aimed at policy makers and civil servants in the field of environmental management and explains aspects of data quality in citizen science.
* Communication skills for citizen science practitioners - provision of introduction to science communication for people who are initiating and running Citizen Science projects, including communicating with participants, with news organisations, and with public authorities. Special attention on communicating results.
* Achieving policy impact with Citizen Science - a unit aimed at policy makers, civil servants, and practitioners. The focus is on the role of Citizen Science within policy processes and how to reach decision makers and design projects in a way that can have policy impact.
* Doing Citizen Science ethically - an introduction to the ethical principles of running Citizen Science projects and introduction to tools and techniques that should be used such as informed consent.
* Creating high quality data in environmental Citizen Science projects - Training for scientists and practitioners on how to create projects with high quality data, and tools, methods, stats and data techniques for quality assurance.

Additional gaps that were identified in the workshop and are not included in the list of courses, but will be considered later on include:
* Appropriate metrics for evaluating and measuring CS impacts (particularly societal) and how to measure.
* Training for scientists on an introduction to CS and themes of interest.
* A basic introduction on the methods for scientific investigation.
* Training on research design and suitable methods in an accessible format.
* Training for citizens on how to design a CS project.
* CS in museums.
* Transferability of CS to other potential domains (e.g. language learning and teaching) and scientific disciplines.

Re: Training material  

  By: Nadia Dewhurst-Richman on Sept. 9, 2020, 2:38 p.m.

And because there has been much discussion over this, please note our current definition for Training & Educational Material - Material that is designed or can be used explicitly for the goals of teaching or training a person on the practice of citizen science e.g. how to design and implement a volunteer-based activity, how to control data quality, the ethical and legal requirements of working with volunteers and managing their data. These can include massive open online courses (MOOCs), workshops, webinars, gamified training, and quizzes.

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