Participation tasks in CS projects

Participation tasks in CS projects  

  By: M.Anastasakis on July 13, 2022, 2:51 p.m.

Hi, I am contacting you on behalf of CS-Track ( a Horizon 2020 funded research project. We are currently investigating various aspects of CS activities and we would be very interested in knowing your methodology for categorising the various types of participation tasks found in CS projects as described by the variable "Participation Task" e.g., data analysis, data entry, learning, observation, measurement etc. Is there a publication/document describing your methodology? If no, can someone from your team please explain to me your overall approach in categorising participation tasks? My apologies for using the forum in asking this. Regards, Marinos

Re: Participation tasks in CS projects  

  By: Claudia on July 26, 2022, 1:47 p.m.

For the description of projects we follow the PPSR (‘Public Participation in Scientific Research’) core project metadata model standard. We have followed this to allow interoperability and connection to other platforms as described in deliverables D2.3 and D2.4 on the Platform Functionality Requirements and the Platform Sustainability Plan, respectively. You can find a description of the PPSR core PMM here:

What we call “participation task” on the EU-Citizen.Science platform has the name of “scientificProcessInvolved” in the PPSR-PMM and is an extension attribute. Information on project core attributes in the PPSR-PMM are here:

And you can read here about the extension attributes:

You can find the vocabulary used for “participation task” in the vocabulary section of the PPSR-PMM:

Make sure to check search for “scientificProcessInvolved” which is what they call this. You will see that we have adopted the exact same categories/options.

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