A tudásmonopólium eróziója: a civil tudomány (Erosion of the knowledge monopoly: citizen science)

Created Oct. 26, 2021, 12:21 a.m.
Updated Oct. 26, 2021, 12:21 a.m.

The massification of tertiary education, followed by intense debates, has had countless positive effects. It has long been known that those who are pursuing studies in higher education tend to live longer, spend more years in health, have a higher lifetime earning rate and be more active citizens - and we could further list the individual and social benefits of higher education. However, the increasing number of tertiary graduates also has a very positive side effect - something that scientific forums in Hungary have scarcely mentioned. This is the erosion of the knowledge monopoly and the democratisation of science. That is, the increasing role of amateurs and laymen in scientific research. Differently put, it is the so-called expansion of citizen science.

Publish information

Authors: K Szabó;
Publisher:Educatio 2013/3. szám/ Tudáselosztás tudásmonopóliumok
Year of publication: 2013
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