NEWSERA Indicators for Communication Strategies of Citizen Science Projects

Created July 31, 2023, 2:07 p.m.
Updated Dec. 18, 2023, 3:23 p.m.

The following document presents a set of indicators (Table 1) defined by the NEWSERA consortium for the evaluation of communication specifically aimed at the quadruple helix agents (citizens and society as a whole, academia, industry and SMEs, public sector and policymakers) and journalists, by citizen science projects.

NEWSERA is a european funded project in which the main goal was to analyse and evaluate the complexities of science communication in citizen science (CS). 

As explained in the "Report on indicators for impact assessment of science communication in Citizen Science Projects" (Giardullo et al. 2021), NEWSERA established a multilevel impact assessment framework, considering impact assessment in three sources: Science Communication Actions (from initial NEWSERA Impact Assessment), the evaluation of Science Communication in different dimensions (from ACTION Project), and the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) pillars (from the MoRRI and Super-MoRRI projects), for the analysis and evaluation of communication tools and strategies co-designed by Science Communication projects. Based on this framework model, the NEWSERA Indicators were organised in three key macro-areas, Communication, Participation of quadruple helix stakeholders and Impact, each with three related sub-areas, and indicators. In addition, through a process of iterative evaluation, the different indicators have been tested and refined, always in a co-created way together with NEWSERA pilot projects, in a continuous work of mentoring, cooperation and shared learning.

Publish information

Authors: Maite Pelacho; Rosa Arias Álvarez; Joana Magalhaes; Cristina Luis; Ines Navalhas; Esther Marin Gonzalez; Leire Leguina; Maria Angela Citarella; Paolo Giardullo;
Year of publication: 2023
License: CC-BY
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7744167

Links with projects and/or organisations

Ibercivis Foundation
Science For Change
Private sector
Dec. 29, 2021, 8:31 a.m.
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