GEOVACUI-2: Citizen Science for knowledge depopulation (didactic unit)

Created Oct. 18, 2022, 9:51 a.m.
Updated Aug. 30, 2023, 8:54 a.m.

This Story Map has been designed following a didactic unit approach to be reproduced by teachers in their classrooms. It addresses the phenomenon of depopulation through the Citizen Science GEOVACUI project . This resource contains the following information:

Lesson plan. Objectives, topics and different didactic strategies.
Frameworks. Students must acquire these skills throughout their training process. For this reason, teachers should consider the following frameworks: on the one hand, the key competencies of the  Council of the European Union  (2019), and, on the other hand, the competencies in sustainability in the framework of the Agenda 2030 proposed by UNESCO. 
Resources for Secondary School students and teachers made by experts on Geography, Geodata and Cartography in the team of GEOVACUI. 
Classroom examples tested by Spanish Secondary Schools with different approaches and several didactic strategies to implement in the Geography classroom. 
List of documents and documentaries is provided in order to use in the classroom. 
We intend to bring teachers, students and the general public to an understanding of the content that can be easily adapted to the work in the classroom. In addition, the idea is that students can participate in a  Citizen Science  project. This didactic unit is built with the contribution of all researchers and participants in the GEOVACUI project, especially the  teachers who have collaborated  in the workshops during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. Together they have collaborated to make GEOVACUI useful to science and society.

Publish information

Authors: C. Mínguez; E. Barcena-Martín; J. Alvarez-Otero; M. Martínez-Arnáiz; J. Ojeda-Zújar; J. Martín-Vide; J.D. Ruiz Sinoga;
Year of publication: 2022

Links with projects and/or organisations

Training information

Time required: 4.0 hours
Conditions of access: none
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