Educational Unit OdourCollect: Citizen Science for monitoring odour pollution (orig. in Spanish: Unidad Didáctica: Ciencia ciudadana para monitorizar la contaminación odorífera)

Created Oct. 26, 2021, 12:21 a.m.
Updated Oct. 26, 2021, 12:21 a.m.

The OdourCollect Educational Unit is a proposal to work in the classroom with students of Secondary Education or in other contexts of non-formal education. OdourCollect is the name of a Spanish citizen science project on odour pollution, run by Ibercivis Foundation with collaboration of Spanish Foundation on Science and Technology (FECYT). Students and teachers from educational centres can participate, together with their families, neighbourhoods and those who want to join in, as environmental researchers to monitor odours in the surrounding area or in their city. The guide includes a section for teachers and a section for students. Theoretical content is included on the topics: 1. What smell is and how smell works. 2. What is called odour pollution. 3. What is citizen science and its scientific methodology participatory. Along with various activities related to the above concepts, indications on how to use the OdourCollect app to map odours are included. The experimental part is based on the voluntary collective sensing by any person with a certain scientific, environmental, social or ethical-political interest, especially those citizens who suffer from odour pollution. Citizen scientists -in this case students and members of the school community- make the odour observations through the OdourCollect App and add them to the platform at any time and place, following the proposed methodology and making the data accessible for study by professional scientists and scientific citizens, and any interested group. Each contribution made will contribute to the construction of a collaborative international map which is already underway, as part of the D-NOSES project ( This project, of three years in duration (2018-2021) and financed by the Commission's Horizon 2020 programme It has 14 partners from 9 countries and has already started work on 10 case studies in affected communities internationally.

Publish information

Authors: Maite Pelacho López; Miguel Ángel Queiruga Dios; Daniel Lisbona Rubira; Rosa Arias Álvarez;
Publisher:Editorial Q
Year of publication: 2019
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 ES
DOI: ISBN: 978-84-15575-10-8
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