Frogs on the road
from 01/01/2012
Volunteers are called in to help transfer amphibians from the roads to the breeding areas, to keep eye on traffic and record specific data from the sites. Group leaders will be registered for the sites who manage volunteers and communicate with headquarters of campaign. Data will be made available publicly, shared with institutions which collect biodiversity data. Special observation portal is set up to collect related observation data. Instruction courses are managed.
With help of volunteers, rescuing frogs from the traffic and at the same time collecting data on amphibian spring migration to the breeding areas.
Needed equipment
Weatherproof and warm clothing and footwear.
About branding
Profile image design by: Estonian Fund for Nature
Created June 17, 2021, 11:44 a.m.
Updated June 17, 2021, 11:44 a.m.