Raccolte del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara
from 01/01/2017
The project is made up of many different sub-projects, collecting plant and animal observations through the versatile internet website www.iNaturalist.org. The places that are taken in account are above all those surrounding the city of Ferrara, that is close to the Adriatic sea and to the end of the Po river, that is the main Italian river crossing the largest Italian plain, deeply transformed and exploited by man. The idea started in 2016 from the collection of observations on roadkilled Vertebrates animals and then extended to the observations on any kind of plant and animals. Up to now projects collect observations of roadkilled animals in the Emilia-Romagna region and in the Po river delta, which is partly in common with the bordering Veneto region and one of the Italian areas richest in wildlife reserves. Other projects collect observations on hoverflies and ground beetles from the entire Italian country, since hoverflies and carabids are one of the main research topics of the Museum of Natural History of Ferrara, that is the owner of the projects. In the last days, a project soliciting the submission of observations made in and around the homes of citizens stuck at home due to Coronavirus emergency was started.
The project is made up of many different sub-projects, collecting plant and animal observations through the internet website www.iNaturalist.org. The aims are both to collect observations to study biodiversity and some human impacts on it and to involve citizens in a deepest knowledge of the natural life around them.
Needed equipment
Smartphone and/or cameras and a personal computer
Created Oct. 4, 2020, 5:16 p.m.
Updated Oct. 4, 2020, 5:16 p.m.