

from 01/01/2017 until 30/06/2019

Micromascotas is a project that combines both citizen science experiment and an experimental education program. In the citizen science experiment, the participants sent dust samples from their homes and through the application of microscopy and microbiology techniques, the detection and determination of different microorganisms such as bacteria, mites or fungi was analyzed in the laboratory, seeking to identify factors that could influence in the distribution of various microorganisms. The collected data provides information to create a map of microorganisms, or micro wildlife in the home.

And secondly, an interdisciplinary educational program based on cooperative work methodologies and problem solving within the same theme of microbiology. On the one hand, the “adoption and care of a micromascot” is proposed, where the necessary didactic contents are provided as well as the material support for this purpose, (cultivation and maintenance of different strains in the wetlab) as well as the development and manufacture of hardware based by experimenting with the latest DIY and low cost techniques (a microscope, an incubator or a magnetic stirrer) creating an online repository of open, technical and educational content, so that anyone can build low-cost DIY / DIWO equipment.

The project persues to encourage knowledge of some microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, mites) as well as the relationship they have with humans beings. Micromascotas also aims to motivate citizens to experiment with biochemistry. Its content is interesting because it makes connection between different areas, microbiology and open manufacturing technologies, creates a scientific theoretical and practical educational open source resources offering technical support staff. It also promotes the use of urban laboratories (Cesar’s labs) whose line of action is focused on the innovation citizen science.



This project seeks to create a platform for promoting the knowledge of various microorganisms around Us: bacteria, fungi, yeasts and mites and the relationship they have with humans and the environment.

The aim of MICROMASCOTAS is that Spanish Citizens experiment with microbiology and discover the possibilities that this branch of science offers him. The final goal is to motivate students to participate in science, specifically performing experiments of Biochemistry based on something very important and close and also unkonwn for many peolpe as microorganisms.

Firstly, we expect to carry out a Citizen Scienceexperiment more traditional, where participants collect samples of dust from their homes and sent us for further analysis, which will seek, by applying techniques of microscopy and microbiology, the detection and determination of different microorganisms such as bacteria, mites and fungi.

Secondly, we purpose an educational program based on interdisciplinary and cooperative methodologies and problem solving working within the same topic of microbiology. On the one hand the "adoption and care a micro-pet" initiative where the required educational contents as well as technical material to support will be provided.

Created June 22, 2021, 2:30 p.m.

Updated June 22, 2021, 2:30 p.m.

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