

from 01/01/2024 until 31/12/2026

The ScienceUs Project is implementing a comprehensive 3-phase support program aimed at fostering outstanding citizen science initiatives with the potential to be scaled up to other EU regions. The program will offer direct funding of up to €40,000 per project, along with a range of support services.

In the initial SEED PHASE, 25 promising citizen science initiatives will be selected through an open call and invited to join the ScienceUs Upscale Academy. The subsequent FLOURISH PHASE will constitute the core of the ScienceUs support program, providing end-to-end support services to the top 5 citizen science initiatives selected from the previous phase. Finally, in the HARVEST PHASE, these 5 initiatives will join the ScienceUs quadruple helix test-bed program. Here, they will collaborate with policymakers, public authorities, industry, and academia to translate the outcomes of their citizen science projects into tangible policy impacts.

ScienceUs will concentrate its research initiatives on adaptation to climate change, while also considering the potential impact on other thematic areas or missions. The overarching goal is to facilitate widespread citizen involvement across the EU, empowering citizens to identify research priorities, participate in studies, collaborate with researchers to scale up projects, disseminate findings, and advocate for additional funding.


The aims of the project are to

  1. Identify the main challenges and opportunities for citizen science in the context of climate change adaptation.
  2. Create a European community of citizen science initiatives for expansion across different EU regions.
  3. Select and engage promising local citizen science initiatives in a comprehensive 3-phase support program.
  4. Deliver a robust set of support tools to demonstrate the impact of EU-wide citizen science projects in achieving New Era and EU Missions goals.

About funding

Funding bodies: European Commission

Created April 11, 2024, 5:17 p.m.

Updated June 10, 2024, 9:10 a.m.

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