List of deceased animals
from 01/01/2023
The topic revolves around the use of the iNaturalist mobile application for documenting observations of deceased animals across various species, with a particular emphasis on tracking sightings of deer.
The aim of the project is to gather data on roadkill observations in Slovenia. Gathered data will be analysed in depth to indicate areas, where most of the roadkills occur. With focus on the northern white-breasted hedgehog in the urban areas, the data will allow us to better understand the importance sufficient green areas in size and distrivution in cities. Conservation measures will be propesed to the managing authoritiy bodies.
The data will also fit the knowledge gaps on distribution of otherwise species considered widespread, or species of unknown range distribution. The aim of the project is to get citizens involved in general observation of nature, and raise awareness of the impact road traffic has on the ecosystems.
Needed equipment
There is no required equipment, besides smart phone.
About funding
Funding bodies: The project is currently self funded.
Created Jan. 5, 2024, 1:03 p.m.
Updated Jan. 5, 2024, 1:11 p.m.