The Cyprus Herp Atlas
from 01/09/2022
The Cyprus Atlas of Reptiles and Amphibians constitudes the first attempt to collect and organise all existing data of the Cypriot herpetofauna.
The Atlas contains more than 7,000 localities for the 23 terrestrial reptiles and amphibians of Cyprus. The aim of this attempt is that the data is constantly updated and available to the general public in an easy to use format (i.e. for visualization in Google Earth).
The data of the Atlas has been collected from a variety of sources, including books, localities from reptile recording projects, existing Cypriot databases, information granted by volunteers and the general public as well as from social media.
The Atlas constitudes a very valuable tool for the protection of Cypriot herpetofauna at all levels. From the citizen who wants to become aware of the species they might see at their trip on the countryside to the escientific community and the authorities that will take important decisions for the management of the species of the island. The data, as published on the Atlas, as well as presented on the database supporting it, make up for an important online collection.
Needed equipment
A smartphone is enough to collect all the data needed (photo of animal, geolocation).
Created Dec. 14, 2023, 9:36 a.m.
Updated May 23, 2024, 8:50 a.m.