CLIMAS - CLIMAte change citizens engagement toolbox for dealing with Societal resilience
from 01/01/2023 until 30/12/2025
Climate assemblies and Living Labs are considered sustainable and effective tools to foster deliberative democracy in climate policymaking. The CLIMAS project aims to support the transformation towards climate resilience by providing an innovative problem-oriented climate adoption Toolbox, co-designed with stakeholders using a value-based approach, design thinking methods, and citizen science mechanisms. Our research will be carried out with a gender and diversity-sensitive approach, ensuring inclusivity and equity. The Toolbox will proactively address possible tensions, points of controversy, and dilemmas related to the adaptation to resilience. By doing so, the Toolbox aims to enable empowerment and engagement strategies that promote a society “resilient by design.”
CLIMAS will include the empirical component for testing this Toolbox and formulating scientific-based guidelines for policymakers on how to shift Climate Assemblies from technically based deliberations that belong to climate change experts to multi-stakeholder deliberations based on solving the dilemmas from a bottom-up, more societal and value-based perspective. CLIMAS outcomes will positively influence policy development and awareness-raising process and offer sustainable strategies to enhance the acceptance of citizens' led decisions by policymakers.
- Identify citizen engagement mechanisms and tools, including bottlenecks, barriers, and drivers.
- Co-design and co-create a climate change citizen engagement toolbox.
- Develop innovative actions empowering citizens in deliberation processes.
- Analyse data through a citizen science approach.
- Increase stakeholders's skills and knowledge, fostering acceptance and long-term sustainability of solutions.
Created Dec. 5, 2023, 11:37 a.m.
Updated Dec. 5, 2023, 11:50 a.m.