Living underground
from 01/01/2023
The Living Underground (Slovene: Živo podzemlje) campaign invites individuals and the public to report sightings of subterranean animals and/or other animals in subterranean habitats (caves, springs, etc.) via the website This activity was initiated by the Subterranean Biology Lab, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, as part of the LIFE NarcIS – NAtuRe Conservation Information System project (LIFE19 GIE/SI/000161) but will continue even after this project is completed. Our aim is to improve public knowledge about the distribution of subterranean organisms that are often ignored due to their secretive way of life, but which individuals (especially active cavers) may encounter. Knowledge of distribution is not only important for a better understanding of subterranean species, but also for better planning of the protection of species and their habitats.
The main aim of the Living Underground campaign is to raise public awareness of the importance of accessible data on subterranean animals for nature conservation. Subterranean animals usually live in environments (e.g., caves, tunnels, springs, etc.) that are difficult for most people to access. Targeted research, especially in caves, requires specialized equipment and physical skills and is also time-consuming. Due to the particularities of such fieldwork, chance finds or observations of subterranean animals are an important source of information about their distribution. We have developed a website where anyone can report their findings of subterranean animals. Only sufficient distribution data on subterranean organisms will help us to protect them and their habitats in the future. This is not an invitation to actively collect and catch animals from their natural habitats, as they are protected by various laws and some of them are also rare and endangered. Our aim is simply to collect information about your observations.
Needed equipment
In general, no special equipment required, just a working phone/tablet/computer with internet access. Caving requires a lot of technical and physical effort and should only be done by experienced cavers.
About funding
Funding bodies: Co-financed by the European Union within the LIFE program scheme (LIFE19 GIE/SI/000161)
the Republic of Slovenia and own contribution.Created Nov. 30, 2023, 9:41 a.m.
Updated Dec. 1, 2023, 1:08 p.m.