Ta tempen på språket! Taking the temperature on language!


from 27/09/2014 until 27/12/2014

In this project, Taking the temperature on language!, a total of 4509 students in 86 schools across the country participated with most participants in secondary school (13–16 years old). Half of the students acted as researchers and surveyed their peers using questions developed in tandem with students in a school class to include their research interests. After first having completed a survey themselves and having interviewed their peers, they registered their peers’ data in an open database and thus produced a large-scale data set including their own and their peers’ data. The answers were immediately available online so that the students and teachers could compare their own results with others e.g., nationally or locally. The students were trained by their teachers in how to do research, guided by the researchers, and an open database were developed for the children and teachers to analyse and discuss the data. At the end of the project, the students and teachers received a report on the results in easy-to-understand language (Miljolare.no: Rapport fra forskningskampanjen 2014). Further, some of the citizen data was included in a language exhibition, Oslo sier. Språk i byen (‘Oslo says. Language in the city’) at the Oslo City Museum (2016–2018, cf. YouTube: Oslo sier. Språk i byen (Oslo says. Language in the City) - YouTube).


One of the primary aims of the project was to investigate language use among young people as well as in their homes. Another was to hand over the research role to young people, and secondary, to investigate the impact of that.

Pls see the publication: Svendsen, B.A. 2018. The dynamics of citizen sociolinguistics. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 22(2): 137-160.

Created Nov. 27, 2023, 11:36 a.m.

Updated Nov. 27, 2023, 11:39 a.m.

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