from 01/09/2023 until 01/05/2024
RADOHOW is one of the seven funded RadoNorm citizen science projects which is conducted in Spain.
RADOHOW seeks to engage citizens, particularly 50 families, to measure and compare the levels of radon exposure at work versus at home in 5 areas in Spain, namely Galicia, Cantabria, Salamanca, Zaragoza and Madrid using extreme citizen science methodology. RADOHOW will target workplaces with less ventilation such as caves, spas, water treatment, and underground workplaces. A total of 50 trace and 30 continuous radon meters will be used for the measurements. The project team will develop guidelines for citizen scientists on how to curate the sensors as well as dissemination materials including 2 leaflets, 1 roll-up, and 5 infographics (1 per area). Furthermore, a project portal will be created in which all the information related with the project will be published, including the timeline, the status of the project, the call for participation, the output of the co-creation workshops, and the gathered data in csv format. The communication plan will focus on both traditional and social media with the help of citizen scientists in order to guarantee continuous communication between citizen scientists and researchers.
The project started in September 2023 by developing a stakeholder mapping in each of the 5 selected pilot areas to identify key stakeholders. An open call for citizen scientists was launched in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Citizen scientists for each pilot are engaged to:
- co-design workshop with all stakeholders, including citizens, to define the exact area of study and the pilot methodology;
- distribute and place 10 trace radon meters (5 in homes and 5 in workplaces);
- distribute and place 3 continuous meters for both situations, per pilot;
- participate in a final workshop to explain the results of the project and co-define next steps.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Commission
RadoNorm EuratomCreated Oct. 30, 2023, 1:26 p.m.
Updated Jan. 12, 2024, 5:15 p.m.