RadonGPS - Slovakia - how future professionals can help remove barriers for citizens to take radon remedial measures
from 15/09/2023 until 29/03/2024
RadonGPS is one of the seven funded RadoNorm citizen science projects which is conducted in Slovakia.
Further information in Slovak: https://www.naturadon.sk
The aim of RadonGPS is to compare short-term (2-weeks) and long-term (3-month) indoor radon measurements in dwellings in the municipalities around the town of Banská Bystrica in Slovakia and to engage students of secondary construction schools (as future building professionals) to design tailor-made mitigation measures for owners of dwellings with high radon concentration. The idea is to foster cooperation between citizens interested in radon measurement in dwellings and future building professionals (students) in finding answers to citizens FAQs related to radon remedial measures and eventually create a freely accessible database of radon remediation projects. To achieve the aims of RadonGPS, about 50 citizen scientists will be engaged to actively participate in gathering data from measurements, data analysis, and in the design of tailor-made radon remediation projects in cooperation with experts from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
RadonGPS held 2 kick-off meetings in September 2023. Citizen scientists will participate in the project by taking measurements, engaging in workshops, and holding online or in person communications with experts. A platform will be created on the website of the NGO NatuRadon for discussions about radon, including indoor radon measurements techniques, suggestions for radon remedial measures and their realisation, and any other implementation of practical solutions. Citizen scientists will be asked to use their social media for the dissemination of project results and their experiences. Dissemination of the project in cooperation with stakeholders will be organised in the framework of European Researchers´ Night in Banská Bystrica where NatuRadon NGO is headquartered.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Commission
RadoNorm EuratomCreated Oct. 29, 2023, 5:40 p.m.
Updated Jan. 18, 2024, 4:17 p.m.