Citizen Observatory of Radon (Osservatorio Cittadino sul Radon) - OCRA
from 20/09/2023 until 01/04/2024
OCRA is one of the seven funded RadoNorm citizen science projects which is conducted in Italy.
The project kick-started with a public event in September 2023 to present OCRA and to call citizens to engage in the citizen science activities. The project was publicly presented in four schools and four school monitoring committees created in each school, totalling 16 citizen science teachers (approximately 240 students will be directly involved and an indirect involvement of about 900 students). The teachers will engage students in radon sampling, data processing and results dissemination, increasing students’ awareness of radon risk mitigation and citizen science.
The project team organised a number of training events for citizen scientists to share guidelines on how to install radon samplers; gather information through an extensive questionnaire; and interpret data and upload it on the radon map. Citizens will be continuously updated through emailing about steps and news during the three months of radon sampling. WhatsApp and Facebook will also be used to keep citizens involved and motivated. Results of the project will be presented at a public event, where a radon expert will also share mitigation strategies. A video will be produced to disseminate the project and to promote replication in other municipalities.
The goal of OCRA is to reduce radon levels through measurement of exposure and increased awareness of radon risks and mitigation measures in houses and workplaces through citizen science activities in Abbadia San Salvatore, one of the most radon-affected municipalities in Italy. To achieve this goal, OCRA will measure indoor radon exposure in 300 places including 260 homes, 20 rooms in 5 school buildings (including 1 nursery) and 20 offices/workplaces with passive radon detectors over a three-month period. Additionally, an interactive map of exposure for the entire municipality will be developed. Through this initiative, the project seeks to provide a supportive environment for building positive relationships between citizens and local authorities.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Commission
RadoNorm EuratomAbout branding
Logo design by: Source International
Created Oct. 29, 2023, 5:07 p.m.
Updated Jan. 12, 2024, 4:16 p.m.