Bat Monitoring Programme
from 01/01/2010
The Bat Monitoring Programme is a project coordinated by the BiBio Research Group from the Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers. The Bat Monitoring Programme offers potentially interested people in bat research or study to participate with different levels of commitment, from puntual observations uploading, to four citizen-science protocols with varying complexity, to a professional dashboard for bat workers, consultants or academic researchers. The Bat Monitoring Programme website is continuously improving and adding new functionalities to make life easier for the participants and volunteers, also offering different data exploration tools for anyone interested in bat biology in Europe.
The aim of the Bat Monitoring Programme is to offer a user-friendly, open acces, online platform where bat data from all western Paleartic can be centralised.
Unlike other animal taxa bat study is usually plagued with handicaps and complicated methodologies, which are usually only accessible for expert researchers. Their nocturnal habits, unaccessible diurnal roosts and cryptic behaviours make bats usually out of reach by the general public. The Bat Monitoring Programme also aims to give the necessary tools to everyday citizens so they are able to study bats around their homes or wherever they feel like it. With easy protocols, usually requiring free or cheap material, non-trained citizens will be able to monitor bat populations around their areas.
Also, bat reasearchers are usually found with few collaborative projects in which they can share datasets of varying nature, like acoustic data, trapping or roost censusing data. The Bat Monitoring Programme website, offers the possibility that all this information about western Palearctic bats to be unified in a single database. This allow for large-scale studies and monitoring bat populations trends and distribution shifts at a continental scale.
About funding
Funding bodies: Catalan Government
Created Oct. 16, 2023, 12:15 p.m.
Updated Oct. 16, 2023, 12:15 p.m.