Slovene fiction on Wikisource
from 01/01/2006
The Slovene Fiction on Wikisource (Wikivir) project aims to put all Slovene fiction in the public domain online: books, manuscripts, and publications in newspapers and magazines. It takes texts from the Digital Library of Slovenia and other institutional and private collections.
The Slovene Fiction on Wikisource project has the ambitious goal of putting all Slovenian fiction in the public domain on the Wikivir online platform. As new works are released into the public domain every year, the project is of a permanent nature. The project is necessary because there are no similar alternative plans, and it is important because fiction is one of the fundamental identity activities of Slovene speaking population. Its maximum accessibility and usability can be achieved by placing it on a public website where anyone can access and contribute without hindrance. By existing online under default cc-licence, we ensure the continued life of literary classics, especially for schoolchildren and pupils, but also for students of Slovenen literature and other interested humanists and cultural audience.
Needed equipment
It requires a computer with internet access and the ability to use wikis and other computer tools for searching and editing texts.
About funding
Funding bodies: Ministrstvo za kulturo R Slovenije (7000 eur/year)
voluntary workCreated Sept. 18, 2023, 11:13 a.m.
Updated Sept. 18, 2023, 11:20 a.m.