We're still here!- Indigenous species are not yet extinct


from 01/01/2018 until 01/01/2019

The "We're still here! - Indigenous species are not yet extinct" project indeed appears to build on the momentum of its predecessors, "Catch Nature!" and "Invasives never rest". Its primary objective is to gather extensive data on species that are rare, threatened, or invasive, leveraging the concept of Citizen Science.

In Citizen Science, everyday people, not just professional scientists, contribute to scientific research. This can involve a range of activities from data collection to analysis. In the case of this project, members of the public are encouraged to contribute to data collection efforts regarding indigenous species.

Apart from data collection, another significant aspect of this project is education and awareness-raising about local biodiversity and nature. The project aims to continuously educate people about the importance of preserving local biodiversity and to raise awareness about the threats that many species face today. This kind of education and awareness-raising is essential for conservation efforts to be successful, as it increases public support and engagement.

In essence, the project utilizes Citizen Science as a tool to both gather valuable data and enhance public understanding of and engagement in biodiversity conservation. The ultimate aim is to help safeguard the indigenous species that, although they may be rare or threatened, are still persisting and thus have a chance at recovery and survival.


In Europe, species in aquatic ecosystems are highly endangered, as per the EU Red Lists. Freshwater molluscs, comprising clams and snails, top the list with 44% of endangered species in Europe, followed by freshwater fish (37%), amphibians (23%), reptiles (19%), mammals (15%), dragonflies (15%), birds (13%), butterflies (9%), and aquatic plants (7%). Only a fraction of these species is listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive, forming the basis for Natura 2000 areas. In Slovenia, Natura 2000 areas encompass 37% of the country, housing numerous species in poor condition.

The "Še smo tu!" project continued the work of "Ujemite naravo!" and "Invazivke nikoli ne počivajo," consolidating vital content.

The project involved collecting data on easily identifiable species through citizen science, with professionals actively gathering data on rare, endangered, and invasive species. This contributed to Slovenia's obligations under Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014, addressing the prevention and management of invasive alien species.

Awareness of vulnerable "flagship groups" like standing water amphibians, dragonflies, and reptiles had dwindled. Hence, we maintained communication about these groups, especially their habitats. Fears of snakes persisted, but growing awareness of their importance in ecosystems meant we continued the »Kačofon« project.

This project targeted all Slovenian residents and visitors. Raising awareness and educating on local biodiversity and nature was crucial, fostering understanding and dispelling prejudices that threatened some species. Our goal was a critical thinking society that acknowledged the negative impact of invasive species and took an interest in Slovenia's endangered species.

Needed equipment

Computer, field equipment for sampling various organisms: nets, traps, loops, GPS…

About funding

Funding bodies: Lastna sredstva in Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning

Created Sept. 6, 2023, 6:51 a.m.

Updated Sept. 6, 2023, 8:32 a.m.

Biodiversity Conservation Invasive Species Citizen Science
Science Topics
Animals Biology Ocean, Water, Marine & Terrestrial
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