NieuwsWijsNeuzen (NewsKnowItAlls)


from 01/01/2023 until 01/07/2024

'NieuwsWijsNeuzen' ('NewsKnowAlls') wants to make children (8-12 years old) more resilient against disinformation by focusing on news literacy, both on the side of (youth) journalists and on the side of children. 


The project develops a child policy and conversation guide for and in co-creation with journalists: recommendations for responsible reporting around disinformation tailored to children. These recommendations include ethical guidelines on how to report fake news tailored to children and how to respond to incoming questions around disinformation. 

In addition, the project provides innovative educational materials for children, introducing them to journalism, debunking disinformation and thinking critically about media. These materials can be used in the (Flemish) Media Literacy curriculum in elementary school. 

The project will set up a checkpoint for disinformation on social media, in co-creation with researchers, children and journalists. Children can send messages to the checkpoint on news-items about which they have doubts. In that way, children get answers to their questions about whether or not a story is true, while also helping to collect data on disinformation that scientists can use in their research. The checkpoint supports journalists, children and researchers as it allows disinformation to be monitored and countered. 

Created Feb. 13, 2023, 11:14 a.m.

Updated Feb. 13, 2023, 11:22 a.m.

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