Urban Health Citizen Laboratory (Laboratorio Ciudadano de Salud Urbana)
from 01/03/2022 until 31/12/2022
The Urban Health Citizen Lab is a collaborative space for experimentation, learning, and practice to foster community participation in building more resilient, healthy, sustainable, and inclusive neighbourhoods.
The laboratory aims to create communities of learning and practice, working collectively to identify needs, problems, and interests, and to promote creative ideas that improve neighborhood conditions through experimentation, shared knowledge, and scientific culture.
According to the Participatory Diagnosis, the main concerns were identified as follows:
- Atmospheric pollution
- Noise
- Bad air odor
- Stress due to the level of traffic
- Access to natural areas
The next step was to collectively define a Research Question. The question chosen was: What level of air and noise pollution are the residents of Trinitat Vella exposed to?
After the Citizen Science process, in which we used NO2 tubes and digital sensors to measure air and noise pollution in different parts of the neighborhood, the results were very interesting.
These are some of the results we obtained:
- 100% of the monitored areas exceed the levels recommended by the WHO.
- 80% of the monitored areas exceed the levels established by the European Union.
- A person in Trinitat Vella is exposed to an average of 50 ug/m3 of NO2 (recommended by the WHO 10 ug/m3).
*You can check all the data collected by citizens in the Resources section of our webpage.
About funding
Funding bodies: Ajuntament de Barcelona
About branding
Logo design by: kikafuenzalida.com
Created Jan. 17, 2023, 3:33 p.m.
Updated Feb. 13, 2023, 3:50 p.m.