from 01/04/2022 until 31/07/2024
The TwinRevolution project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, aims to support the twin digital and green transition in the manufacturing and traditional industry sectors through innovative VET resources, focusing on the furniture and textile sectors.
The TwinRevolution project will involve external participants and citizens during the development of the project through different activities to evaluate its outcomes while ensuring a good quality of the final results. Feedback and opinion of external participatns and citizens will be key part of the methodological process to define industry knowledge needs on green and digital topics, and also to develop the joint curriculum for a vocational education training that cover those identified needs.
In addition, a pilot experience will be carried out to assess all project results. Citizens will have the opportunity to actively contribute in the development of an interactive tool and a training course that have for objective to equip workers of manufacturing sectors with the necessary skills for a green and digital transition.
Finally, besides of their participation and contribution in different steps of the project, citizens will have available all developed materials, licensed under creative commons, to expand their knowledge on how to analyses industry needs, develop a joint curriculum and be ready for the twin green and digital transition.
The main objective of the TwinRevolution project is to develop an interactive tool and a training course that will improve the knowledge of VET students (from students to workers), providing them with the necessary skills and competencies to carry out a twin digital and green transition in the traditional manufacturing industry.
In the process, it is necessary to analys industry needs and develop a tailored joint currculum and training materials. Citizens will be able to take partn in all steps, providing their feedback and comments to the different reports and outcomes launched through several questionnaires and interviews.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Comission
About branding
Logo design by: TwinRevolution consortium
Created Oct. 24, 2022, 11:09 a.m.
Updated Nov. 8, 2022, 12:46 p.m.