from 01/01/2002 until 31/12/2100
What is Artportalen?
Artportalen is a system for observations of the wild flowers, animals and fungi of Sweden. The system consists of a database with several services for reporting, searching and management of the species observations. Artportalen is open for all to use in reporting and searching amongst the millions of observations that both private persons, professionals and conservation officials have contributed to.
Artportalen is firmly based on five basic principles, important to both know and abide by:
- Your sightings are shown openly
- Protected species are not openly accessible
- You are responsible for the quality of the information
- Select observations are quality checked
- Secure and long-term storage
Read more about Artportalen's basic principles (link opens in new window)
Artportalen is developed and managed by SLU Artdatabanken at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and financed by the Swedish Envirnomental Protection Agency.
The Public, Non-profit Associations and Professionals in a unique collaboration for a more efficient nature conservation
Artportalen is an important tool for both professional and non-profit nature conservation and a unique source for knowledge, that already is directing conservation efforts and can help us see future trends in order to prevent both environment and climate problems.
Artportalen is a meeting place for naturalists, where they in a simple and secure way can keep track of both their own and other's sightings, and exchange knowledge with eachother.
Reporters exist all over the country and are mainly experienced amateurs and dedicated non-profit working people, but also of conservation officials, researchers and others that generate information from observations of species in their line of duty. Together, they are the entire basis of Artportalen. Through their engagement and effort; a unique and, to Swedish nature conservation, a very valuable knowledge bank is created of our Swedish flora and fauna.
Public Education and Citizen Science
Because so many people contribute with so many observations of both common an rare species, direct conservation efforts can be launched with less effort. At the same time, future threats can be revealed by analysing changes in species over time.
Artportalen contributes to an increased interest in and knowledge about species, and thereby hopefully also in nature conservation and species preservation. By making it fun to share your species observations, we hope that even more people will want to go out into nature to seek out, find and report to Artportalen.
Needed equipment
Basically, you only need a device connected to the Internet, by which you can access one of Artportalen's entry ways for reporting.
Even if it is possible to choose coordinates from a map, it can be useful to have access to GPS coordinates and possibly also take a photo of the observed organism.
Equipment requirements for identification can vary greatly between different kinds of organisms. Everything from a simple observation to microscopy and DNA sequencing in order to reach a correct ID.
Often you also need access to identification literature/keys.
Other types of equipment that may be required is such that is suitable for the time of year, place and weather.
About funding
Funding bodies: Environmental Protection Agency
Created April 29, 2022, 11:49 a.m.
Updated Feb. 13, 2023, 3:45 p.m.