Harnesstom (Harnessing the value of tomato genetic resources for now and the future)
from 01/10/2021 until 30/10/2022
The Harnesstom project aims to improve the accessibility and use of tomato genetic resources, and the knowledge about them generated in previous EU-research projects, in order to tackle the new challenges imposed by consumers and global change threats. It fosters the interaction between consumers, farmers, plant breeders and all the actors in the tomato production chain. With the aim of promoting the participation and interaction between citizens and farmers towards the selection of high-quality tomato varieties, during the 2022 the HARNESSTOM project launches different Citizen Science (CS) and Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB) activities. At first, a survey has been published to identify the traits that drive consumer acceptance and farmer preferences. This survey will be open till April 2022. Secondly, during the spring of 2022, citizens from Spain, Bulgaria and Italy will receive, free of charge, seed samples of different varieties pre-selected by the Harnesstom team, to carry out trials in their orchards. Citizens aiming to participate in these collaborative trials should register in the Harnesstom webpage (http://harnesstom.eu/) before 28 February.
The general objective of the Citizen Science activities planned in the Harnesstom project is to promote the participation of consumers and farmers in the definition of ideotypes and in the selection of tomato varieties. With this aim, the Harnesstom team will launch different calls involving consumers, chefs and farmers, in order to collect their preferences regarding tomato quality, and to promote their participation in the characterization and selection of superior varieties. These will include characterization trials of different tomato varieties “at-home”, sensory tests and visits to experimental fields of the project.
Needed equipment
To participate in the “Participative breeding and Citizen Science” experiment, citizens will need to grow tomato plants using their own materials. The Harnesstom team will provide seeds of different varieties and tutorials to help citizens in their “crops”.
Citizens will need a computer/cellular phone to report data from the different experiments to the Harnesstom team.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Commission
Created Feb. 14, 2022, 10:17 a.m.
Updated Feb. 22, 2022, 9:25 a.m.