Mosquito Alert


Mosquito Alert is a cooperative citizen science observatory coordinated by the Computational Ecology lab research group, which is constituted by the public research institutions ICREA, CEAB-CSIC, and CREAF based in Barcelona. Its main objective is to fight against the tiger mosquito and the yellow fever mosquito expansions, two invasive species vectors of global diseases like Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya. In order to achieve its goal Mosquito Alert brings citizens, scientists and managers of public health and the environment. With the app Mosquito Alert anyone can send observations - photos and information - of tiger mosquito, yellow fever mosquito or breeding places in urban space. This information is key to generating a participatory alert system to improve the management of this species and minimize the risk of disease transmission. The photos are part of a common database to be used for the monitoring and control of the tiger mosquito and the yellow fever mosquito. For example, it is being researched how citizen data can help to improve predictions about the presence and expansion of these two mosquitoes in Spain. Since 2014 these data complement the work of many scientists and entomologists who study the distribution and dynamics of expansion of these invasive species, and make it possible to have valuable information for decision making. In fact, a recent study showed that the scientific quality of citizen data is very similar to traditional scientific data. Mosquito Alert does high quality science and citizen participation complements the scientific work of many universities and experts. The project has revolutionised the current system of the tiger mosquito and the yellow fever mosquito surveillance and control with an innovative methodology which allows us to obtain massive data. Mosquito Alert involves, educates and does raise awareness among citizens to solve this global public health problem.


Mosquito Alert is a cooperative citizen science observatory coordinated by different public research institutions. Its main objective is to fight against the tiger mosquito and the yellow fever mosquito expansions, two invasive species vectors of global diseases like Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya. With the Mosquito Alert app anyone can report a possible finding of tiger mosquito or yellow fever mosquito and their breeding places on the public road by sending a photo. The photo collects the GPS position along with other detailed information. Afterwards, a team of expert entomologists validates the photos received. The result of the validation is sent directly to the participant and published in the observation map. In it you can consult and export all observations from 2014 to the present. This information complements the scientific work and allows public health managers to use this information to monitor and control the spread of mosquitoes in neighborhoods and cities.

Needed equipment

A mobile phone with the Mosquito alert app

Created March 25, 2020, 7:44 a.m.

Updated Dec. 13, 2021, 12:53 p.m.

Global Diseases Mosquito Public Health
Science Topics
Biogeography Biology Education Insects & pollinators
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