Picture Pile


The Picture Pile application (both online and for mobile devices) is designed to be a generic and flexible tool for ingesting imagery that can then be rapidly classified by volunteers. These images can be very high-resolution satellite images, orthophotos, images from UAVs or geotagged photographs. Volunteers are asked a simple question related to the theme of the images, e.g., do you see evidence of settlements? If the answer is yes, the volunteer swipes the image to the right, if no, to the left and if maybe, to the bottom. Picture Pile was originally called Cropland Capture and was used to collect more than 5 million assessments of cropland. As a more generic tool, it has been used to collect data on deforestation, building damage from Hurricane Matthew, cloud cover, nighttime lights, oil palm plantations and poverty assessment.


The Picture Pile application is a generic and flexible tool for ingesting imagery that can then be rapidly classified by volunteers. These images can be very high-resolution satellite images, orthophotos, images from UAVs or geotagged photographs.

Needed equipment

smartphone or computer

Created March 25, 2020, 7:19 a.m.

Updated March 25, 2020, 7:19 a.m.

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