FLOODUP is a citizen science project to improve knowledge about the impact of floods. It has been promoted by GAMA team of University of Barcelona and developed within the framework of AQUELOO (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, FECYT-Ministry of Science and Innovation (FCT-18 -13408), PIRAGUA (Interreg POCTEFA-EFA210/16) and AGORA (ACA210/18/00009) projects, promoted by the University of Barcelona and with the collaboration of different institutions. The project aims to collect observations of the impacts of natural hazards, such as floods, good practices of adaptation and bad practices or vulnerable zones. To facilitate participation, an application has been developed for mobile devices (Android and IOS) in Spanish, French, Catalan and English (soon also in Basque). Contributing to the project is very simple and fast and is available to anyone who has a mobile device always with caution and without putting themselves at risk when taking the photograph. Registered users can upload observations using a short form. This form includes issues related to observations, their relationship to climate change, and the acceptability of adaptation measures. The observations, once uploaded by the user, are validated by the project team. Uploaded observations can be consulted on the project map. Educational resources can also be consulted in the App. The project is complemented with participatory workshops and educational activities. The information collected is used in the research works carried out by the group like as a reconstruction of past events. Through surveys and focus groups, the perception and level of resilience of the communities is analyzed.
FLOODUP is a citizen science project that aims to explore and collect the main impacts of natural hazards and climate change, aspects to improve and how communities adapt. To have detailed information allows to researchers to better understand the impacts of the episodes and extract lessons to reduce these impacts in future situations. It also allows us to know the phenomena that occur in an episode: this information is used to validate meteorological models and monitoring and surveillance tools.
Needed equipment
A Smartphone or a computer with an internet connection. Complementary (not necessary): camera, rain gauge, ...
Created Oct. 9, 2020, 10:43 p.m.
Updated Dec. 13, 2021, 12:44 p.m.