Dawn Chorus - Stop and listen!
from 01/05/2020
Shortly before sunrise is when many bird species sing loudest: on the meadow, in the forest, but also in the middle of the city, in gardens, on balconies, in front of windows – everywhere. Everyone with hearing can experience this – adults and children, the healthy and the sick, people all over the world, scientists, laymen or artists. Get up early, go to the window or outside and listen to the birds. Record the voices with your mobile phones. Upload the recordings on this page and share your experience with people around the world by uploading it to our soundmap. We collect your sound recordings on this platform. Your local recordings will be mapped worldwide. They will be an important contribution to a growing citizen science project to understand biodiversity, which will take place annually from now on, and at the same time be part of a global artistic project.
With #DawnChorus (www.dawn-chorus.org) we want to make the birds' voices heard. We want to research their occurrences, follow their population development and make the decline of their biodiversity tangible: The personal contribution of each participant makes this biodiversity research and cultural project possible.
Needed equipment
All you need is a smartphone with audio recording capabilities.
Created May 19, 2020, 7:44 a.m.
Updated May 19, 2020, 7:44 a.m.