Land Conservation Program of Vitoria-Gasteiz


from 01/05/2018 until 31/12/2030

This program is based on the participation of the citizen in order to get knowledge about the helath of the lands of Vitoria-Gasteiz in order to develop more efficient biodiversity conservation policies. This is the sixth program included in our Citizen Science project (the Net of Citizen Science of Vitoria-Gasteiz) created by the Environmental Research Center of Vitoria-Gasteiz city council and organized by Ataria (the Interpretation Centre of the Wetland of Salburua). It is based on the sampling work of volunteer citizens of different knowledge and origin. Each participant has to visit its plot two times: first visit in May and second visit in October. Then, the results obtained in that samplings have to be uploaded to the online platform Natusfera. Finally, the results of all the participants are analyzed by the expert coordinator to get an annual memory of the lands of Vitoria-Gasteiz and receive conclusions about the conservation of the biodiversity.


The main objective of this program is knowing the health of the lands of the municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz using the Card of Agricultural Ecosystem´s Health There are also some specific aims: -Encouraging good agricultural practices: more sustainable regarding to economy and ecology. -Giving information about the problems that affect the health of the land and giving some advice to fight them. -Including agricultural society on conservation activities.

Needed equipment

-Land-receipt and land-handbook (in the web). -Pencil and rubber. -A KIT with material (for hiring in Ataria). -Protocols to upload the results to Natusfera (in the web).

Created June 17, 2021, 11:56 a.m.

Updated Dec. 13, 2021, 12:40 p.m.

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