
Objectif Sciences International

Objectif Sciences International is a NGO working in the fields of participatory research and science education. Participatory Research consists of real research projects carried out by young or adult scientific volunteers. Anyone can become a scientific volunteer, regardless of their knowledge or skills. Our trained science educators, using educational tools developed by OSI, support volunteers to acquire the skills necessary to take part in their Participatory Research Project (involvement, empowerment and enabling). These projects are grouped thematically within Programmes. OSI Programme Managers are responsible for ensuring the progress of projects, the development of collaborations with academic research institutes and putting the data collected to good use. At OSI, we believe that the best way to empower individuals to take responsibility for the sustainable development of our planet is through science education, scientific reasoning and (re)connecting with Nature. The rise of extremism, and the inadequacy of society's response to current environmental challenges, demonstrate the importance of helping today's and tomorrow's citizens acquire the critical mindset that is gained through the practice of science. We also place particular emphasis on taking responsibility and developing autonomy, in order to enable citizens, whether young or adult, to be the actors and leaders of the change they want to see accomplished. Our main way of performing participatory research and science education is through holiday and class stays. During their stay, participant can live a unique experience, participating to a scientific project in a fun context, reconnect with nature.

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Project Based Learning, Parti…
Oct. 26, 2021, 12:21 a.m.
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