

Evisights was founded during the COVID-19 pandemic, driven by these pressing questions:

Why are organized citizen voices often left out when scientific advisory bodies advise policy-making
committees that make decisions affecting society?

How can scientific and societal evidence and insights be incorporated, using art, to guide

What constitutes practical, feasible, coherent, and aligned decision-making for sustainable

Evisisghts focus is how evidence and insights from science that is inclusive of citizens and society can inform actionable policy and decion-making. 

Evisghts does this by: 

Partnering with scientific researchers, citizen scientists, and policymakers to advance evidence-informed

Transforming evidence into insights through an iterative cycle of co-creation to create tools,
build capacity, and develop techniques for transforming research evidence into policy insights supporting sustainable development.

Creating connections between science, policy and art  by utlilising tools from the
creative industry for evidence synthesis and insights expression

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